Monday, May 05, 2008


When I'm worn out and fed up, these are the times I want nothing more than to run away. Barring that, I want to get out of Albany.

When I retrapped the little brown tabby female this last Saturday, at Heatherdale, who was spayed the week before, I set the trap on the side of a cat friendly trailer this time. So what happens? The cat was shot at while in the trap. How do I know? The trailer owners found a pellet in the paper of the trap when transferring her into a cage for holding inside their trailer, after catching her.

Now I must take her to the vet to see if she was penetrated by other pellets. What kind of assholes shoot at a cat in a trap on someone else's property?

I blew up again at Heatherdale this evening. Why? Because I pulled up to check a trap elsewhere and this couple, whom I've only seen sitting in lawn chairs in their yard, want to ask me something. What do they want? They want me to do more, to find homes for every stray in Heatherdale, because they're tired of males spray marking their picket fence.

I told them I'm a volunteer and what do they do, why don't they go around and make sure everyone's cat is fixed and help find the strays homes. Instead, people sit around there wanting somebody else to do it for them, free of charge, while they sit back like lazy Monday morning quarterbacks critiqueing my effort. Some of them impede it.

The people of Heatherdale sacrifice nothing to help their own community or even their own cats. It's not like every one of them couldn't qualify for a SafeHaven voucher, if they'd do it, to get their own cats fixed, but they don't.

They won't watch traps. They will only complain and demand more of a volunteer trying to save the strays there, most abandoned by their fellow tenants, while they sit on their butts making snide remarks and cat hating remarks and threatening remarks. The couple complaining this time are former backyard Siamese breeders and do not clean up after their own dog.

I have a barn home willing to take five. So, you'd think the residents wanting the strays gone would chip in and help get five of them trapped. Nope. No they won't.

It is a frustrating endeavor, bewildering to me also. I do not understand lazy people. I do not understand a mentality of complaining and whining by people who could easily just help me solve the problem and keep it solved there.

I do not understand animal abusers. There are also some very nice people who live there.

It is a cowardly chicken shit act, to shoot a cat, let alone shoot the cat while the cat is in a trap.

Is everyone at Heartherdale cowardly or are there some courageous souls there, too, as yet, hiding in the shadows. I hope they will soon dust off their hero capes and step forward. Real soon.

Living in Albany has become a daily hell. Animal abuse, shootings, drunk drivers, crime, drugs, anger, insane driving. Are these the values here?

I'm not a registered Democrat. Most of Albany is comprised of conservatives. But after living here a year, and witnessing a conservative culture in action, I will vote Democrat and I want out of here.

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