I took the last three orange tabbies plus two brown tabbies (the oranges and the browns) to a barn home today. It was a great barn home actually and the owners are friends with the former owners of my the vet clinic I go to. Yes, once again I had to secure the containment room, and in so doing, messed up my right shoulder again. Quite painful and going numb. I need to rest for a few days, which I intend to do.
I had planned on sleeping in this morning, but was awakened by a call at 6:00, from the old couple at Heatherdale. They had a cat in a trap and didn't know what to do with it. Calling at 6:00 a.m.! Oh my gosh I wasn't happy to be jolted awake when so worn out. But I went over, let out a very tame neutered black male. However, at that park being tame and neutered doesn't mean he actually has a home and hasn't been dumped like trash by someone moving. We let him go, however, not knowing what else to do. That is the second time he's gone in a trap over there.
I came home and was going directly to the barn home but the woman who has had the three oranges in her garage hadn't gotten them contained yet. I farted around waiting on her and finally she delivered them over saying "We're done at least now." That ired me, being tired out, worn out and in pain. When I'm in bad shape, I feel put upon, used, lonely, and alone more. She hadn't found any homes for any of them and got me into this in the first place. Oh well. But at least, yes, now they are all placed and that situation is done.
I came home filthy, after several hours spent there, securing the stall top and sides with wire, so the cats could not escape. Then, she mentioned there is at least one stray who comes by now and then, that she feeds and I said "Well we better trap that cat and get it fixed." She agreed readily and I left her a trap and showed her how to use it.
I could see why she wanted cats. Even moving your feet in the hay produced scattering scurrying mice who were so bold, they would barely move out of the way. It was a little bit creepy, in a way. I began to startle easily, when she would say something, thinking a mouse was crawling down my arm or something, because they were right there, and moving around everywhere.
The three orange tabbies seemed instantly at home and they should feel that way, since they came from a place with hay and horses in the first place. The browns were at first radically upset, climbing the walls and testing that wire top I'd worked to secure. Then they too settled down. It's a great home, a really great barn home.
Maybe I won't catch the other two tabbies at Heatherdale, but at least these two are out of there and into a barn home that is wonderful, perfect.
Some Harrisburg people who brought in feral kittens and a male they feed, called to say they'd caught the mother. They had not been able to catch her for last Sunday's FCCO clinic, so the coordinator asked me if they could get my number, to which I agreed. So they're bringing her up tonight and I'll take her up in the morning, along with two more tame cats from Albany. Other than that, I'm in for the night and hopefully will finally get to rest.
I am a Cat Woman. My self-appointed mission in life is to save the feline world! To accomplish this mission, I get cats fixed. Perhaps my mission might be slightly delusional. This blog is a mishmash of wishful thinking, rants, experiences as I remember them and of course, cat stories and cat photos. I have a nonprofit now, to help keep the cats here cared for and to fix community cats. Happy Cat Club formed in 2015. Currently, we are on a mission to fix 10,000 cats.
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Quartzville Road Scenic Byway
If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....

Black Pearl is supposed to go to a home on Monday. The people adopting both her and Toby wanted her records, to be sure she has been fixed,...
Guess who I caught this evening? Yup. Both these big guys. They can be neutered side by side! I also caught a young brown tabby tux and ...
I made it back to Waldo. Monday I took five cats from Gills Landing colony to be fixed and tested at the Salem clinic. All five, four gi...
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