I have 8 more cats up at Countryside being fixed today. One, is the final stray male, of three, being fed on Marion. Two are orange tabby males from a downtown Albany situation. The woman had told me her relatives, including a daughter who is a vet, had given her money to get all her cats fixed and she just had two not yet fixed. But when I arrived this morning to pick up the two, she said there were two others not fixed, another male and a female. Well anyhow. Then, the son of Millersburg country colony caretakers, who lives near Detroit and feeds strays, had, last night when at his parents house to pick up the two done yesterday, brought three more needing fixed. So I took them up today, too, including two brown tabbies, allegedly a male and a female, and a big black and white male. I'd already promised to get the final two females in from a house with many cats in Lebanon. So I picked them up also. 8 in all, up being fixed today.
I took nine cats to the clinic yesterday, ten actually, but one never made it in for spay, having four kittens in the anesthesia room of the van. Of the other nine, three were ferals from Millersburg Country colony, all newcomers since the goat farmers moved and left allegedly 22 cats behind.
Here's the list of the nine fixed:
From Millersburg Country, ferals:
DSH black and white male.
DSH black and white female.
DLH black male.
Tame strays, who wandered in:
DSH muted torti
DSH brown tabby male, dumped on Millersburg Road
Two cats fed by a son of the Millersburg Country colony people, near Detroit:
DSH black female
DSH gray tabby tux male
One from Heatherdale:
DSH brown tabby male
One feral male from another Millersburg property:
DSH HUGE orange tabby male
I am taking the two brown tabbies from Heatherdale, the male fixed yesterday and a female fixed last week, to a barn home, to save them from inevitable death at that trailer park. If my friend has not found a place yet for the three orange tabbies from the Lebanon situation, they will join the browns at the barn home. There are two other tabbies there I want to catch and take to the barn home, also. They are not yet fixed.
When I stopped by this morning, there was a dead black and white cat along Airport Road.
I didn't stop, but I think it's Groucho, fixed last week, whose life was fairly doomed to begin with. He had called a small jam packed old RV home, along with two dogs. He free roamed and neighbors hated him. Poor beautiful boy. I thought at least if he got neutered, he might have a chance.
I have a call in to the friends of those folks, asking if it is indeed Groucho. The RV sits with its back up almost against Airport Road, so I am surmising Groucho is dead.

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