Thursday, May 01, 2008

Four Albany Cats Fixed Yesterday

Four cats were fixed yesterday. They included two tame owned females, from Heatherdale and one owned but outside fed brown tabby male. The latter is among nine cats fed by one man. The cats started out inside his trailer, as kittens of a couple of unfixed females. As the numbers grew, he let them outside. Yesterday, he caught the 8th cat, also a brown tabby, who will be fixed tomorrow. That leaves only one of the nine unfixed. He's supposed to catch her today.

The black male is one of three big bad street strays terrorizing some backyards. They are being fed but now at last are being fixed. This is bad boy number two to be neutered. One more to go there.

I've worked all day today, online, to try to locate more homes for the orange tabbies and unfixed cats needing fixed. I've come up with only four unfixed cats so far, two of whom will be fixed tomorrow and two on Monday. I have 8 reservations for Sunday's FCCO clinic, but I'm not feeling good about trapping the ones I was going to take. The people are apathetic about whether they are fixed or not sort of, are moving in August to become missionaries and would not be able to help trap or donate anything to the fixes. So I finally told them I feel used and abused enough, so if people aren't willing to help at all, want me to take full responsibility, then I just can't do it. So I'm letting that one go.

In other words, I have 8 reservations in the clinic Sunday and no cats to take. Four of the reservations are paid for, by a donation from some people back east, too. I'll find four cats from people who are deserving of this help to trap and take. I have a full day tomorrow to find four cats. I'd like to take 8, but I don't have $100 more to pay for four more out of my pocket.

I'm running on empty money wise, like so many people. The cost of everything has skyrocketed. I glued my shoes back together, using superglue. It's held rather well I think. I have cut back on everything as a result of skyrocketing food and gas prices. Cat food prices have gone way up, too, even at Winco.

Cut backs on food have helped me start losing weight and that's a good thing. I have been eating a sort of stew I made in my crock pot, my absolute favorite kitchen appliance, for several days. It cost only pennies to make--rice, one sweet potatoe, one onion, some seasonings and that's it, equaled lunch and dinner for about three days. I love it, too. I think I could put some of it into a blender, add egg and some crackers, and then make burgers of the mix. I'm going to try that tonight, as an experiment. I think I could dehydrate the blended mix, sans the eggs, to store as dried instant burger mix.

Yes, I have a food dehydrator now that I scored at a garage sale. I've been experimenting with making cat treats with the dehydrator. Here's a hint with cat treats: don't over dry! My first cat treat attempt resulted in rock hard bits that would have cracked the teeth of the most savage carnivore! I'm also going to try some recipes for making my own granola.

I already make my own tortilla chips now. I make my own one serving pizza after getting some ideas watching a short clip on that chef contest reality show on TV.

I hope to make a backyard chicken coop soon and get three or four laying hens. But I'll have to save up for that. It won't be right away. I'm still waiting to plant anything, because of the extreme weather. My yard is a soggy mess still. My first onion sets rotted. I'll try again.

Also, I want to start providing homes for bees, like the women I met does, on Marion. They prefer birch for nesting and so I"m looking for some four inch diameter by six to eight inches pieces of birch, if anyone has any out there.

I want to plant some bright flowers, to attract polinators for certain vegetables I'll be planting. I'd love to experiment planting a small plot of grain plant, not wheat because I have a problem with wheat and gluten, kind of sensitive to it, maybe barley. I'd like to know how to grow the grasses for grain, process it into flour by hand, even if just a tiny amount.

One of nine cats fed by an old man at the park. He is cat number seven of the nine, to be fixed. Cat number 8 is now in hand, to be fixed tomorrow. That leaves Cat Number Nine.
Two beautiful owned females, spayed yesterday.
The big bad Albany boy, spray marking and fighting all cats, within several blocks. In other words, a problem to residents in the area, but now neutered.

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