Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Church of the Child Molestors Update: 31 teens pregnant or with kids

Down at the Yearning for Zion ranch in Texas, a.k.a. Church of the Child Molesters, the Fundamentalist Mormon dirty old men impregnated (for religious reasons, of course) 31 teen girls ranging in age from 13 to 17.

When these kids are forced into marriage often with middle aged or geezer men, the first rape occurs in their temple. Imagine a grunting bloated older man, atop your little girl, your daughter, mothers out there. Wouldn't you get a shotgun and put an end to that? Normal people would.

But not religious freakazoids.

Not even politically aspiring democratic mayors of Portland have the morals and balls to stay off a child. Remember Neil Goldschmidt and the widespread cowardly behavior of those who knew he was raping a kid, his babysitter and did nothing? His bodyguard, an Oregon state cop, went on to become Sheriff, who adultered with Mr. Childmolester Mayor/Governor of Oregon's wife.

No wonder our society is messed up. Child molesters harm the very fabric that creates the future--the women.

Are some men so owned by their penises they can't see the forest for the trees? Well then neuter them, for god's sake, for the sake of our healthy futures.

Neutered cats and dogs get real lives. They're no longer just a walking angry fighting penis, (or kitten factory) serving their penises only, run by hormones alone. Once that little problem is gone, their brains function and they get a chance to branch out and get real lives.

Many human males have progressed beyond penis servitude. It's probably a real sign of evolution in action. It's the only way to world peace. Superior men have brains that rule their actions.

War is hormonal--male hormonal, face offs on fence tops, spray marking, full blown battle. Hormones are the reason we have learned nothing since the dawn of time about resolving conflicts through any other means but war.

But then, the Spartans, the 300, who held off the massive army, they were allegedly a gay army. So, many holes in my simplistic theory.

Hormones do spawn aggression and violence, on the streets throughout the world.

And hormones cause men to misinterpret and manufacture religions that allow them to serve their penises, free of the guilt, by over riding morality to molest children and control women.

Women who do not defend their children from such actions have distorted hormones, too.

It's pathetic. Guys who are unable to "master their domain" should neuter themselves. And women who turn over their children to be molested or who stand by and do nothing should get themselves spayed.

And mothers, instead of turning over your daughters to the penis only men, teach your girls self confidence, independent thinking and self-defense, so they do not fall victim so easily to men like these religious molesters and the Neil Goldschmidts of our world.

Yes, I want men to be men, protectors, providers, and women to be women, rabid defenders of children and nurturers. But some, of both sexes, are severely hormonely distorted. These rigid traditional roles, as we see them, are far from societal based. They are hormonal based to some extent.

I know, there are all degrees of what I might term hormone fueled behaviors/roles in people. I know this even from dealing with cats, seeing some extremely nurturing males, who love kittens and are peacemakers, even gay males, and very warrior like athletic female cats alongside traditionally dainty kitties. I see the massively hormoned macho male cats, with thick necks and jowels who want total control of their environment and take control by brute force, attacking anything they see, from kittens to females and of course any other male around.

In the cat world, such aggressive males are losing out in part because if a male fights routinely these days, that male, the big hormoned up males, will get FIV and no longer be passing their genes into the pool. FIV is primarily spread through the deep bite wounds unfixed free roaming males get and inflict upon one another when they fight. Those they fight with will also end up with FIV. In this manner, natural selection is dealing with extreme feline aggression. The unfixed males who survive to breed, are the more social and less aggressive males.

Another dilemma in the human population becomes the desire to breed and the desire to bear children. Big families are a source of permanent support and companionship. Children from big families seem better adjusted, and not as prone to the "single kitten" mentality--of a self-centered kid/adult, who doesn't know how to play well with others.

Likewise kittens, who grow up alone, or who are taken from their mother and siblings too young and adopted into a one cat family, where they are left alone for long periods, generally grow up to be not exactly psychologically healthy cats.

The world has way too many people already, however. How to deal with conflicting values--keeping the planet healthy, with a smaller population, and the healthy desire people have to create and live in big families. I don't know the answers.

In other news, I am terribly excited that my tooth pain will finally end. Just two more weeks to wait and then, well, I'm so excited about the extraction date finally coming up, now just two weeks away, I almost pee my pants when I think about it.

The thought is better than good sex, better than chocolate ice cream, which I can't eat due to cold hurting my tooth, better than even maybe catching forty feral cats for spay/neuter. Well, maybe not better than the thrill of the latter, which is a real high for me, even if all my teeth were on fire in pain.

What I'm saying is, OH MY GOSH, finally, the pain will end!!!!!!!! Two more weeks.

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