Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Woohoo. Home for two orange tabs

Two of the nine are leaving tomorrow! Woohoo! Yahoo. The girl spayed yesterday and another medium hair female---out the door tomorrow, to a situation similar to the one they originally came from.

That leaves seven adult orange tabbies to place. Four are at my friends' place, in her garage--two females and two males. Three adults left here, two females and one male.

Wouldn't it be nice to find one barn home for all of them?

Yes, it would.

I also have not returned the three ferals from Heatherdale, fixed yesterday--two boys, Silver Smoke and the Big Black long hair, and one girl, a young brown tabby, in hopes a barn home will come along. If one doesn't, in the next two days, well that's the way it is and they'll go back and I hope they're treated kindly. But, I always hope to find something better for such lovely kitties.

Because they deserve it.

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