Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Fleecing the Common American

I can't believe the news stories of late. If they're true, man alive we're being fleeced by our government. The oil companies, recording billions in profits, are getting government subsidized. Who else thinks that is outrageous? I do. We should be marching in the streets protesting that one. Our government is owned by special interests. Our leaders stand at their public pulpits feeding the public very key word emotionalism, to fire us up in the wrong direction, to take our eyes off what is really going on, or to kind of subjugate theivery to "well, I guess it's ok" status.

Our FDA is a farce, protecting none of us from much of anything. Latest scandals: toxic prescription drugs made in China and imported back, post production, by drug companies, to sell here, who (wiping tear from eye), claim they are the victims of Chinese product subterfuge. Yeah right. You make your products over there for cheap labor and no oversight. Now, go directly to jail. Only you won't because you bought off the right people.

The FCC is a farce, too, exposed in the latest airline scandals of kickbacks to FCC managers if inspections were just not done or problems overlooked. What the fuck? Did these people lose their jobs, at the least, I hope? They need to be in jail.

Over and over we see misuse, to the tune of millions of dollars, of government issued credit cards. Usually it's Pentagon employees spending your tax dollars on vacations to Vegas, hotels, electronics, etc. The latest scandal involved Veterans Affairs workers, ripping off, by misuse of government credit cards, not only taxpayers but the veterans they are to serve. Any of these theives fired? I remember the whistleblowers in some of the Pentagon misuse of funds cases were fired and a year afterwards, when the story was updated, some of the worst offender theives had actually been promoted. Who says crime doesn't pay?

I just don't know what has happened to America. It's like I fell asleep and when I woke up, a lot of what was familiar is gone.

I saw scientists again today, outraged that politics has driven investigations into allowable toxins, and how the White House just decides what, in investigations, it will allow. This is like a dictatorship would do. Scientific studies don't need run through the White House. They're not scientists. Manipulation of facts is atrocious and fat suited moblike seedy dictators of third world nations, like in Africa, behave in this fashion. But it's not supposed to happen here, in America.

Makes me want to cry sometimes. I love America. I want America back.

1 comment:

  1. Hell yeah I'm outraged. I've been outraged for years. What about the fraud and corruption of Iraq spending? We're talking BILLIONS.

    What about the subsidy for giant farms to grow corn ethanol?

    What about the cover up of 9-11 Truth?

    I'm fucking outraged alright.

    America is not lost, though. Thanks to patriots like you. America has been hijacked by terrorists and we will take it back.

    Great post. Ideal open forum material.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....