Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Confrontation at Heatherdale

I was over again trying to catch the remaining unfixed cats at Heatherdale. I wonder why I bother. Along comes a blue van and a woman begins talking to the man I'm helping with cats. She looks at me and says she knows me, that I dumped three cats she didn't want at her trailer a few years back.

I bristled. "I don't dump cats," I said, truthfully. "What trailer are you in?"

She told me.

"Oh," I said, remembering. "You were feeding those cats and asked me to get your own house cats fixed and those strays you fed."

"Yeah," she said, "but I didn't want those strays back and you dumped them back here."

"I'm not your slave," I said, "and your lying is disgusting and mean. You asked me to get them fixed. I did. And you got a couple hundred dollars or more of service for nothing and my time and labor and bait, too---for nothing. What do you do for anybody?" She started laughing and again claimed I dumped cats that weren't hers.

I told her she doesn't do anything for that park or anybody else but increase the drug trafficing there. She drove off.

I went back to my car. I was angry and fed up. The man I'd been helping came over and said "at least we appreciate you." I said "I have to leave." He said "You are making our park a much better place to live, she should shut up and you're welcome at our trailer anytime." I told him thank you. The tears were flowing. I'm just kind of worn out and...I don't know. I just...I don't know.

Too much lately. I have all these cats to place. Just too much lately.

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