It comes back to me every now and then, in a rush of anger and despair, when I remember that old lady, that church lady, who preached Jesus and church and waved her American flag and lied to me worse than anyone has ever lied to me. And she was unspeakably cruel to some kittens.
She'd asked me to help trap them for fixing. She said she'd feed them. I took them up for surgery, she was to pick them up afterwards because I had to go to Salem.
I picked up my traps a few days later. She said she had turned them loose and they were doing great.
It was months later, out of guilt I suppose, that she confessed to what she really did with those kittens.
I was trapping in the same neighborhood, off Queen, on 13th street or one of those little streets behind that gas station, in the neighborhood south and west of the high school on Queen, just as Queen heads south to fork into Oakville North and Riverside Drive.
She approached me. Walked down a block and a half and came up to me, where I sat in my car, watching traps. I was tired out and finally I asked her how the kittens were doing. That's when she told me. She hadn't really brought them all home. Only one of them.
The others she took to North Albany right after picking them up at Countryside, and dumped them out along the road when they were still under the influence of anesthesia. It was raining, too, she further confessed, and maybe they survived anyway. She said because it was dark and raining so hard she couldn't see exactly where she was, when she dumped them out, so she couldn't tell me exactly where it'd been. I had immediately wanted to know where.
I wanted to take that bitch by the throat and choke the life out of the lying creep, who had exploited me and my time and Poppa money, and committed this atrocious act upon innocent lives.
I told her she better run now, and get away from me fast because what she had just told me was enraging me. I also told her to go get her checkbook and write me a check for the money Poppa paid to fix those cats, in good faith, that she had betrayed in an act of extreme cruelty.
She must have thought I would think it was ok, because she didn't seem to understand at first that when I said for her to get out of my sight immediately, that I meant it. I hissed in her face then. It was a gut response to my shock and horror. She started to walk away, then turned back, like she was going to say something more. I hissed again and told her she needed to start running. She ran.
I started pounding on my steering wheel in anguish for those poor cats, angry at myself too for believing such a little self-righteous old lady in the first place. The better than thou preachy Christian old ladies are often the meanest most cruel most hateful most dishonest people I encounter. I don't know why.
I spent the next two weeks searching all of north Albany, walking the roads, knocking on doors. Of course that was an impossible feat. It'd been months since she did that deed. That is a massive area to search.
I'd sit in my car in that neighborhood over off Queen, where I was trapping other cats, and stare at that bitch out in her yard and try to figure out how a person is able to do such a thing, to helpless little lives.
I would look at her and wonder how a person justifies such acts, still goes to church, still pretends they're righteous with a right to tell other people how they should worship and live their moral lives.
I would wonder what turns a person that evil.
I think about it now and then. I still cringe for those cats. My stomach reels. It's hard. I try not to think about these things, but sometimes they surface in my mind and there's no stopping the thinking.
It's best to forget.
I am a Cat Woman. My self-appointed mission in life is to save the feline world! To accomplish this mission, I get cats fixed. Perhaps my mission might be slightly delusional. This blog is a mishmash of wishful thinking, rants, experiences as I remember them and of course, cat stories and cat photos. I have a nonprofit now, to help keep the cats here cared for and to fix community cats. Happy Cat Club formed in 2015. Currently, we are on a mission to fix 10,000 cats.
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Hi there, I was looking to see if you had an email or another way to contact you, but I could not find one on the blog---so thought I would try with making a post ( made one here a few months back actually).
ReplyDeleteMy sister and brother in law have a couple situations going on regarding some kitty trouble. They live off of hway 34 with a lot of farm land around them, and sometimes people abandon cats out around the area. One such cat they named Mooch adopted the area around their home, and though they thought it was a "he"...produced a litter of 7 kittens on their porch. Most of those kittens were adopted by family members(myself included) for two and Mooch herself. After having that litter she became a bit alussive, often under their the area, and they know she has had more kittens but have not been able to find out where. She picks fights with other cats, and is baddly in need of being trapped, fixed, and maybe a farm home or something. She is a main coon from the looks of it, and actually will interact with people so is not completely feral.
The other problem involves one of her off-spring. Of the two that were kept as out door pets, the female Blacky ( who they had fixed) was hit by a car and lost an eye. They paid a rather large vet bill in patching her up, and made her an indoor cat along with their two indoor male kitties. She is a very sweet, loving playful cat, but the problem is that she hates to share a litter box, and constantly urinates all over the place. They have tried everything, clean the boxes constantly, give her lots of attention...and the issue is that they are expecting a baby any time now and cannot have him crawling around on a floor with cat urine have come to a painful conclusion that she either needs to go outside again, or find a new home where she is the only cat. They are worried putting her outside will leave her really vulnerable in this area considering her single eye, and are wary of taking her to heartland. She really is a love, and they are heart broken that they have not been able to find a way to make things work and for her to be happy---the male cats pick on her horribly.
So basically regarding Mooch we were wondering if for an exchange of a donation etc..if you would beinterested/ able to trap her and get her fixed.
Regarding Blacky---do you have any ideas or suggestions, know of anyone looking for a beautiful sweet indoor cat who needs to be in a solo-kitty home? I can take some pictures of her, she is beautiful..fluffy black with hints of red, could not ask for a more affection cat--just the situation is not one they can handle anymore with a baby coming, they have tried everything they can think of.
Thank you so much.
I can be reached at
~ Delaney
I can help trap them for fixing, but I'm not taking in cats. I can put Blacky on my petfinder site, if you have proof the cat is fixed, with your contact info for people to contact if interested in adoption. I have way too many here to care for. There is also an upcoming Feral Cat Coalition of Oregon clinic, in Philomath, if you can trap them yourself and there is no reason you can't. Contact the Philomath clinic coordinator at:, although often he doesn't respond.
ReplyDeleteYou can contact me off my petfinder site also:
Thank you :) I will talk to them tomorrow to figure things out more.
ReplyDeleteWasn't expecting you to have to house them---I can see you have your hands full. :) Just trying to find a new loving home for the little girl, and worried heartland will put her to sleep due to only having one eye when otherwise she is healthy and docile. I am sure they can get paper work from vet for Blacky being fixed, I think she was 3 or 4 months old when it was done. They really are torn up over her, have tried so many methods etc..comes down to not wanting to share a box though, we keep saying we need a cat whisperer. :(
You could always have more than one litterbox.
ReplyDeleteA one eyed cat is often more easily adopted out than a two eyed, as far as if you are worried about her getting a home from Heartland. I don't know why that is, but people do feel sorry for disabled cats and adopt them at rates exceeding fully functioning cats often.
They have multiple large hooded boxes that are cleaned daily. They have to have hoods though because one of the two males had kind of a botched snip job and pees at wierd angles. They have tried different sprays, a plug in soother, behavioral methods, stuff that is supposed to make boxes more appealing like dirt etc...and she will jump in and use it instantly when fresh but as soon as one of the boys use it....uh-uh. They have been trying for a long time now. Its not an overnight decision, it is something they have been trying to solve to find a way to keep her happy and have run out of options/ solutions to try.
ReplyDeleteIts good to know a single eye may help her to be adopted rather then be put to sleep. I am right now though trying to see if we can find a happier situation for her. I just have a bad feeling she would not do well out doors---it was a miracle she survived the car accident that happened even when she had full vision.
Sorry to blabber on about a single cat on your blog, you obviously have multitudes to figure out getting basic care and fixing for. It just has us torn up trying to solve...we typically are the adopt unwanted kitties kind, not find someone else to take care of them ( both mine came from feral litters...well, one is Blacky's brother, and the other I rescued from the sycamore towers area).
They have two other males outside that they feed of which we are pretty sure is fixed, he was obviouslly someone's pet at sometime that was abandoned . I just do not understand how people can just drop an animal off in the middle of no where just because they were not convientent for them any more..without a care for what happens to them. We are in a situation with a cat that may need a new solo-kitty home and feel horrible about it, but at least are working on finding it for her. I think she would be happier in general without other cats picking on her too.
Thanks again. :)
It totally depends on the cats, whether they pick on her or not. Three can be a bad number of cats. Two pair up, and harrass the other sometimes.
ReplyDeleteWhere do you live? The rest of the outside cats need fixed. Sycamore Towers cats. You're the woman whose mom lived there, right, who knows the lady that makes it so unbelievably difficult to trap the cats there to be fixed.
I hope no one minds if I add my 2 cents here but...
ReplyDeleteThere can also be a number of reasons a kitty does not use a litter box. Some like their own box. Usually , a vet check is the first thing to do - to rule out any medical issues. Some cats may not like the kind of litter and with three, she may be harassed around that area by the other two. Have you watched them when they do their thing? Too, something may have happened that stressed her near where her box is located and thus she associates trauma with it. There are so many things you can try.
Strayer has given you some great ideas and spaying is a top priority!! Good luck!