Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Tooth

The tooth is still with me. I don't know what to do about the tooth. I no longer chew on the right side, unless I forget. When I forget, I don't forget for long.

I found out my insurance will pay for part maybe all of a root canal, but maybe for nothing after that. The tooth canal doctor will just put a temp filling in it or a temp crown, which won't last long. They said I should get a gold crown on the tooth because it's a molar, a grinder, and will fall apart or split if I don't. But they don't do that. They don't even do fillings of root canals. I'd need to go elsewhere for further treatment, a crown, filling, whatever. They just do the root canal. Nothing more. And I replied, "Whoa, I think the price of gold is extremely high. And my pockets are on the empty side."

I don't know what to do. So I can get a root canal done and then I guess see how long a temp filling holds in it. I tried to call my regular dentist but they are on vacation. So I told the root canal people I don't know what to do anymore. Seems like a great big hassle to try to find help for one poor tooth anymore. I think I better just pull it myself. Be a lot less paper work. And in the end, that's likely what has to be done anyhow. I can't chew on that side now. I won't be able to chew on that side anymore without a tooth up there either. So it's the same, either way. I suppose I better get it pulled, but how to do that. Who does that and how do I go about getting that done? It's just really complicated. One problem tooth and I can't figure out how to get it taken care of. Man alive.

I guess I'm back to the whiskey and pliars route now. Whiskey and pliars. Better be strong whiskey.


  1. I have two root canals. Both of the temps lasted well over a year. One fell out, but the other is still hanging in! I'd go for the temps. Better than nothing.

  2. Why a gold crown? Porcelain looks better and costs less...check it out before investing a ton of money....that you don't have. (I just had a molar crowed with porcelain last month!) I say go with the temp crown until you have some money for the permananet least you will have some relief.

  3. I have had a temporary crown on an incisor for about 5 years! BTW, I hope you didn't use the whiskey and pliars method; very ouchie! Several years ago I needed a root canal filling on a molar but I panicked with claustrophobia when the dentist put that stuff in my mouth to prevent me swallowing any toxins. I asked him to pull the tooth out instead. To cut a long story short, he reluctantly agreed. Much cheaper and I don't miss the tooth and can still chew on that side. Result! Take care.

    That torti is gorgeous:)

  4. There are some dentists in the area who take Care Credit. You can apply for the card online (it's a credit card used for medical expenses, even veterinary expenses). I had to use it when I had a back tooth emergency last year, which ended up needing a root canal and crown.

    Your insurance company is being ridiculous. They don't know what they will cover??? Get the dentists office to call and get pre-authorization. If they cover part, the above mentioned credit card may cover the rest.

  5. Thanks for all the advice. I have no idea why the referral dentist said I"d need a gold crown. I didn't even think they made those anymore. Made me suspicious. So i've done nothing so far. I have lost some weight however. It's the bad tooth diet!


Green Peter Drawdown Video

  A video made about the Green Peter reservoir drawdown.  Will it help at all?   I don't know.