Friday, February 08, 2008

Six Lebanon Cats Leave for Barn Home Tomorrow. Four Cats Being Fixed Today.

Lebanon ferals Shadow, India, Thimble, Spirit, Knickers and Pumper are leaving tomorrow for a barn home south of Eugene. I had very much wanted to catch the two brothers up there, so they could go, too, but I was not able to catch them. One is neutered, one isn't.

I am not happy with the granddaughter of that situation, who claimed to love those cats so much, but failed to help any of them find new homes, once her grandmother was put into a nursing home.

I don't know what will become of the five cats locked inside the house. I talked to the granddaughter this morning who was extremely angry she was locked out last night, and off to court about it.

I told her the uncle said she could get the cats locked in the house out, if she called him to arrange it and she did not seem interested in that option, but rather wanted to be angry and go to court. I pleaded with her that the cats were innocent victims over all this and maybe she could swallow the anger and just go get them out. I don't think she will, but I don't know.

The tension of this and exhaustion of trying to trap all the outside ferals in the midst of the family fight has affected me badly. None of the parties in the family donated even a dime or lifted a finger to help. I am gone from the situation now. I've done all I can.

I slept all day on my couch. My exhaustion was extreme. I have four cats up being fixed right now--two black cats from the Lebanon situation and two owned tame cats from Albany.

I have another interest in Snowman adoption. they are stopping by tomorrow afternoon. I am so excited about this I can barely contain myself. I haven't had an adoption of one of the cats here for quite awhile. The adoption interested people are headed out for a weeks vacation and their first stop will be here, to meet Snowman. If they like him, they will pick him up in a week, after their vacation is over.

I am still hoping the adoptors interested in Hope will soon be able to get here from their residence in Bend. They have not been able to safely traverse the mountains, due to the extremely deep snowpack.

If Hope and Snowman get homes, it will greatly ease space issues here.

Tomorrow, the six from Lebanon will leave for their new digs. Sunday, two more DD ferals will go to a barn home, accompanied by Bartholomew, from inside here. He's a brown tabby tux young male feral, who was living under a building a block from here. His mother, whom I also trapped, had bladdar cancer and had to be euthanized.

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