Friday, February 08, 2008

23 Cats Fixed This Week. 21 Ferals Relocated by Sunday.

This has been an extreme week of cat fixing. 23 cats were fixed this week alone. 21 ferals will be relocated by Sunday, all but one of them trapped and fixed this week, too.

On Monday, two males from Sweet Home were fixed, one feral male from Waverly Waifs colony was fixed, too, as was a big black tame tux male, plus three females, one of them in heat, from the Dilapidated Duplex colony in south Corvallis. Seven in all. Three females, four males.

On Tuesday, five more cats were fixed, all of them from Dilapidated Duplex colony in Corvallis. These included two males and three females, one of whom was in heat.

By Tuesday evening, all nine of these Dilapidated Duplex cats were relocated to a rural setting, housed in fine fashion in a room off the garage for their relocation confinement period. This barn home option was a godsend for me and for these cats. I provided them extra cat litter, litterboxes and a couple of bags of cat food.

And I got a young male in the next day to be fixed, along with three more cats from Dilapidated Duplex, one more male and two females, one of them pregnant. One of the females, a young torbi, also went to the rural relocation, as both her sisters were there. The other two will go to a different barn home Sunday. They are brother and sister. So on Wednesday, two males and two females were fixed.

On Thursday, I shifted to the Lebanon situation. Three cats, one male and two in heat females were fixed from that situation and will leave for a barn home tomorrow.

Today, four more cats were fixed. Two males and two females. Two more of these were from the Lebanon Family Feud situation. I've renamed the colony, changed the name from Kind Hearted Woman colony to Family Feud Colony. Fits better. The other two cats were from a very nice Albany woman who adores cats.

23 cats fixed in one week's time. 12 of these were females. Efforts this week were boosted by a $250 donation to Countryside to my cat fixing fund by a Philomath woman, in memory of her mother, who loved cats. This donation made a direct difference to the lives of six cats the money paid to have fixed. The cats were from the DD colony in south Corvallis and not only were they fixed, but they got a great new home. Four of the six fixed with this donation were females, three in heat and one of them pregnant. 8 of the 12 I caught at the DD colony, in fact, were females. The first litters born to all 8 females would have likely resulted in about 40 more cats to that area.

So you see, this effort saved multiple multiple lives, suffering and, a lot of money. What would have happened to all these kittens born? Likely most would have died, or been taken to a shelter, the shelter then bearing costs far greater than those incurred in fixing the colony in the first place, and many would have been killed. If some survived to also reproduce, the situation would have compounded, resulting in more suffering and death for the cats, more costs to Heartland, had they had to take in more from there, and they've already been taken many from this area.

So, an ounce of prevention! THANK YOU to the Philomath woman for that donation. Your mother might be smiling right now to know the great good that money produced for cats, and, for people! Thank you to all the others who donated---David of Albany, Midori of Ridgefield, Susan of Eugene, and I know there were others (forgive me if I left you out) who answered the call and donated directly to Poppa for fixing here.


  1. Thanks. Hey, I got the electric blanket. THANKS!

  2. Strayer, I just want to say you are a real HERO, making a difference in the lives of all these cats, and often in the lives of the people around these cats as well. I wish there were more caring people in the world like you!


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....