Friday, February 08, 2008

Islamic Freakazoids

Click post title to read article about how fundamentalist Muslim freakazoids (FMF's), in the name of god, torture and kill women in Basra, Iraq. What control freaks. What distorted individuals. What monsters!

Reminds me of some American freakazoid fundamentalist groups, like freakazoid fundamentalist Mormons (FFM's for short), who seek to absolutely control women, for the benefit of men, usually men's penises, but claim their behavior in the name of god.

For men to claim they are acting out god's will, by controlling or torturing women, is enough to make one laugh or vomit. We all know the lengths some men will go to honor their penises.

Nice try at a smoke screen, freaks.

Maybe it's time to ban religion. Spirituality is lacking in todays violence, sex and hate oriented faiths.

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