He has taken a passive attitude about it, because he's so depressed and horrified. The little orange and white female, who'd never leave him alone--dead. Peppy, Brambles brother---dead. One of Mickey's brothers---dead. Half the cats there now have been killed. He finds them laid out in the driveway, or beside his trailer. He believes they have been shaken to death and crushed in jaws.
Most of these cats were vaccinated for distemper, but that does not mean they are safe from other diseases, like FIP. But, the cats living across the street, under the neighbors porch, are fine, and the cats who hang out in the berry vines are fine, too. Only the ones who hang out in the open have been killed. This suggests predation and predation by dog, because they are not eaten.
This conclusion is further supported by the fact of the horrendous injury that young gray and white long hair female had sustained, whom I netted. her leg had been bitten and broken, and infected by dog bite. She suffered horribly before she died.
They come at night. I told Gordon I'd be sitting in my pickup with a shotgun. Any dog out doing that is dangerous to humans, also, let alone the grave horror inflicted on these innocent cats. Conclusive evidence as to which dog on that block is committing these horrors will invoke a lawsuit against them, filed by me, to recoup the costs Poppa and myself incurred fixing those cats, who have now died horrible deaths because some asshole on the street of nightmares doesn't contain and control their vicious dog.

You are very courageous to put yourself in the middle of these situations -- emotionally and possibly physically.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you have to see this stuff, but I'm glad someone cares enough to do something.
What idiot is letting their dog run around unsupervised in the middle of the night. Have the caretaker call the local pound and tell them he was nearly mauled by a pitbull that was out running around loose at night and ask them to please come over one evening and pick it up. That's just crazy, a dog running loose is a danger, not just to the cats, but to everyone.
ReplyDeleteThe police here have flat out told me that I can shoot and kill a dog on my property and I am within my legal rights to do so if the dog is menacing!!!
that's so awful.
ReplyDeleteThe cops didn't care, kept calling it a cat problem and not to feed them. I had to continually redirect to tell them it was a dog problem, a dog coming onto someone's private property and killing his cats. It was dismal and why the old man didn't want to call the cops in the first place. It was not a yellow lab, but rather a golden retriever. And perhaps the pitbull whom another neighbor said tried to go after his little dog, even though a girl had it on leash. It was all she could do to keep it from getting at his dog. The golden retriever however was heard then seen by the old man and his neighbor, on the porch after the cats, about 10:30 at night. Apparently loose dogs in that area is common. Two more dogs routinely cross Knox Butte to run loose in that area. It is also frequented by fourwheelers, because the developer of the nearby development dumped fill dirt there, when creating the development, and now the drunken fourwheeler crowd comes in, too. It is one of the worst neighborhoods for mean irresponsible behavior I have encountered--just a sewer. But there are some very good people who live along there. We talked to most that were home and all were outraged. Some young people who love animals are hopefully going to be doing some night patrol of their own. You don't want to mess with these strong animal loving young people, and I hope they catch the perps because the cops don't care. It was like "Yeah, so what, they're strays, just don't feed them." Over and over, had to repeat, that this was someone committing atrocities against cats, coming onto private property to do so. The old man afterwards was not happy, feeling it is useless to call Albany police on this, that they don't care and hate cats. I don't know. They said he could nothing to a dog coming on his property and killing his cats, nothing more than call them, then wait the half hour to hour it would take them to get out there. That is so damn lame.
ReplyDeletehe can take pictures if possible of the dog on his property too. i hope the young folks do a watch and take pictures or video too. that's what helps the most in these horrible situations.
ReplyDeletebe careful!
Shoot the dog, bury it out back and when the owner comes looking for it tell them you never saw their damn dog! I love dogs, you already know I love cats, but irresponsible dog owners are making it impossible for this man to live in his own neighborhood.
ReplyDeleteJody, I got this straight out of Albany's city website:
ReplyDelete.04.170 Public nuisance – Designated.
Dogs shall be considered a public nuisance under the meaning of this chapter in the following instances:
(1) Any dog which, when unprovoked, bites any person or animal;
(2) Any dog which chases vehicles or, when off the premises of the owner or keeper, chases any person or persons;
(3) Any dog which scatters garbage other than that of its owner or keeper;
(4) Any dog which trespasses on private property other than its owners’ or on public rights-of-way;
(5) Any dog(s) which through the negligence of the owner causes animal waste to accumulate on any premises to a degree that offensive odors can be detected from an adjoining street, yard, or residential unit;
(6) Any dog found within a park outside designated areas;
(7) Any dog which barks cumulatively for more than 10 minutes during any one-hour period when such barking is audible off the premises of the dog’s owner or keeper;
(8) Any dog, except for a service dog whose owner is legally blind, which deposits solid waste matter on any improved property, including public parks and school grounds, other than that of the dog owner. It shall be a defense to this section that the dog owner immediately removes the solid waste. (Ord. 5685 § 2, 2007; Ord. 5313 § 1, 1997; Ord. 5026 § 1, 1993; Ord. 4840 § 1, 1988; Ord. 4557 § 5, 1983).
6.04.175 Public nuisance – Unlawful.
It is unlawful for any person being the owner or keeper of any dog to permit the dog to be a public nuisance as defined in this chapter. (Ord. 4557 § 6, 1983; Ord. 3741 § 4, 1973).
6.04.180 Owner of dog responsible for damages.
Any owner or custodian of a dog which destroys or damages any property of another person shall be responsible for damages incurred by such dog. (Ord. 3741 § 5, 1973).
6.04.185 Presumption of ownership.
(1) It is presumed that the person shown on the application for license of a dog as the owner is the owner of such dog.
(2) The adult occupants of a dwelling shall be presumed to be the co-owners of any dogs housed in such dwelling or on the premises thereof. (Ord. 3741 § 6, 1973).
6.04.190 Violation – Penalty.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter is subject to those penalties set forth in Section 1.04.010 of this code. In addition to the penalties therein provided, the court may direct the destruction of any dog that is a biter of persons or killer of domesticated animals. (Ord. 4813 § 1, 1988; Ord. 3741 § 7, 1973).
Killer of domesticated animals! Maybe you need to remind the cops of the law and their obligation to enforce it!
Well, we have to catch the dog first. 6.04.180. I will use this ordinance to sue the owners, when we find them, for the cost of fixing all those now deceased cats and for my emotional trauma and for that of the old man. I will put a price on my trauma, too, and he will on his. If we catch this dog and find its owner, I will be filing a lawsuit. I'm sick of Albany's irresponsible hordes. I'm sick of so many people here who don't give a shit about apparently anything. I know, there are lots of good people here, too. So far, the creepos have been winning out, not fixing their pets, dumping them, letting dogs run loose, chaining dogs in misery, it's time for Albany to turn to the light and not keep on heading down into darkness. People don't have to put up with such behavior.
ReplyDeleteThe cops themselves are strapped for time and don't like being called on animal issues, I'm sure. There is so much crime in this area, mainly the result of addiction---meth and alcohol, and children suffer so also as a result of parental addictions that are often passed along to the kids, or the trauma of the addictive behavior of parents is passed along, at the least. This is a sad little place to call home for so many children and animals. So much homelessness here, too.
Good Lord - I hope that is not near San Felicia and Knox Butte! We left our 16 yr old outdoor cat with the new owners there.
ReplyDeleteNo, dickey, not that neighborhood. Marilyn.
ReplyDeleteDickey, hate to tell you this, but someone who lives on your former street contacted me that her cat went missing. She has a neighbor with a dog matching the description of the dog who killed cats at the old man's. We may have found our dog. What did your cat look like? The one she lost is mostly white, with calico markings, and very old.