Tuesday, February 12, 2008

SuperDelegate Crapola

SuperDelegates are considered far better than any of the rest of voting slobs. They can negate our votes. Darlene Hooley has already declared herself for Clinton. She's a Super Delegate. That means her one vote at the convention can negate the votes of thousands of Oregonians who vote for Obama. I assume the same is true on the Republican side.

If Oregon Democrats as a whole vote for Obama and Oregon Super Delgates vote for Clinton, who would be Oregon's candidate? I'm not sure.

This doesn't really seem much like a democracy anymore. Not that Oregon counts, being as how our primary is in May. We didn't count on the Republican side of things. I hear that's a done deal now for McCain. Frustrating that Oregon is just out of the picture.

But, the Democratic candidates are still warring it out. And SuperDelegates may decide this race, not delegate numbers assigned by popular vote. This is just so wrong. This elevates these few superdelegates to god status, to the status of people given far more power in deciding elections than the average Jane and Joe vote.

Crapola! I'd like to see a list of Oregon's superdelegates for the Democrats. Because, if they vote contrary to Oregon popular Democratic party vote for a Presidential candidate, they need exiled.

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