Sunday, February 10, 2008

Bush Boys--Here is the bottomside of my boot for your butts

These are worrisome times. I just read that one tenth of China's forest resources were destroyed in the winter storms. Scary to me is to watch the chipping away of basic American values, like the right to privacy. I don't like that many agencies we depend upon, like the FCC, FDA and the EPA, are now merely political pawns of the party in power and oversee nothing with integrity. And I don't like this:

I heard yesterday about AT&T's involvement with Homeland Security, at communication hubs, where communication by private citizens travels and is intercepted. A bill is being sponsored to protect AT&T from lawsuits over domestic spying after the fact. Spying on US citizens isn't what America is about and is illegal via the 4th amendment of our own constitution.

We do supposedly have a constitution that protects us from this Big Brother bullshit. I'm sure AT&T got on board the spook train because there was something in it for them, as far as presidential or congressional perks, promised or implied.

Because this is an election year, I become even more suspicious of a government that wants to legally intercept communications from anyone they choose, without oversight.

Again, WE HAVE A CONSTITUTION! This is allegedly a FREE COUNTRY.

Bush boys, with your over spending ways, and because you are tearing apart the basics of America, including right to privacy, here's the bottom side of my boot for your butt.

I will not vote for any of you, no matter how sour or bad the opposition might be.

We can't have neocons tearing apart America. We have a constitution. Don't like it Bush boys? Why don't you move to Saudi Arabia.

I have no idea what the two parties stand for anymore. Republicans now seem to stand for fiscal irresponsibility---spend, spend, spend, but mostly on military, foreign wars, foreign subsidies, not on our own country. And the spending is so out of control, with billions lost to thin air, that I can't understand why there is not a fiscal conservative uproar over such waste.

Likewise the Democrats waste money, with impunity, throwing money at social programs that again, have no oversight, and often are extremely cruel or only increase social problems. One needs look no further than the continuing fiasco of abuse and neglect going on at the Oregon State Hospital for proof of how much democrats give a shit about the poor or disabled or about overseeing the effectiveness, humanity and efficiency of how social program money is spent.

On the one hand, you have the Republicans foolishly throwing money away through the military and foreign programs. On the other hand, you have the Democrats doing the same thing here.

Ron Paul, as a candidate, stands out to me, as not so foolish.


  1. If you're serious you should consider Ron Paul.

    Bush boys, with your over spending ways, and because you are tearing apart the basics of America, including right to privacy, here's the bottom side of my boot for your butt.

    Actually the President can't spend anything that the Congress doesn't give him, so all excessive government spending is really the fault of Congress.

    Privacy? It wasn't until Democrats took control of Congress that domestic spying via "CIA CELL TOWERS" get approved.

    It's not a party issue but a government out of control issue.

  2. A government out of control. So getting it under control seems like a very difficult problem to solve. I once suggested to an Oregon legislator that if they pass a bill, they must remove two or three bills or regulations, to ultimately reduce beauracracy.

  3. As for conservative spending, yes it's out of control. Ted Stevens is a big pork barrel guy. And the war itself, costing billions, with profiteering costing billions more. No oversight. Nobody cares, it seems, in government. We shocked and awed Iraq, by blowing up their infrastructure and knew we'd have to rebuild it, or should have known, if we blew it up. There is plenty of irresponsibility on both sides of the aisle.

  4. They can spy on me if they want. I sleep about 18 hours a day, so I'm sure that would fascinate them. As long as they don't want any of my catnip, toys or treats they can spy all they want.

  5. If they spied on me, boy, seems like that might be really boring. You never know. The road cams in Oregon, that can be operated by a few agencies, and rotated slightly, recently it was discovered they were being rotated all right, looking at people in cars, etc. Bored employees I suppose. Someone should moon the cameras. Probably they'd be arrested however, media vans arriving from all over the world to cover the big bad mooning perp arrest, swat teams, perp labeled for life as a sex offender and danger to everybody everywhere. That sort of thing. All to justify an employee wrongly rotating the ODOT road cam off the road, to have a looksee around, guilt free.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....