Sunday, February 10, 2008

Mickey Now Over Ten Pounds

I have new photos from Canada of One-eyed Mickey, from HTN colony, whom I netted out at the colony, when I could no longer watch him die slowly in that old car from an exploded eye.

When I first took him to the vet after netting him, he weighed in at 5.2 pounds--a large adult male! He now weighs in at over ten pounds and loves his new home in Canada.


  1. Wow! That is so cool. He's quite a handsome mancat as well!

    Concatulations! I have given you an E for Excellence award! Make sure you stop by my bloggie to pick it up!

  2. Awwww!!! Good for Mickey - he even looks like a Mickey, lol (I have a human guy friend named Mickey and I swear they look alike- of I find a pict of me, I'll email it to you, lol - you can decided if I am right._. Mickey is one of those gender neutral names I think, I once had a chemistry lab partner in Boston who was from NY whose name was Mickey - she moved back to the big apple and I stayed in Canada but we still keep in touch since we both (amazingly) both practice pediatric oncology and both love Siamese and all cats!
    Anyway- enuf about me. This is for Mickey, a lovable gorgeous kitty who is finally living the life he so richly and rewardingly deserves. And you are the caring and hard working woman who made it happen!!! Take care of yourself- you are a gem!!!


  3. I am so glad he is happy now, healthy and safe.

  4. excellent!!! i'm glad the blanket got there safe.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....