Saturday, February 09, 2008

Bucky Went to a Home. Snowman Gets One if He is Negative.

The fun loving lover boy white kitten, Bucky, went to a home today. Bucky was abandoned in a cardboard box on 34th street in Albany with two siblings. Both siblings were run over. Bucky survived, and I was called. He came here January 29, was neutered last week at Greenhill, (thank you Larissa) and went to a home today. But not before becoming well loved here, by all the cats. We will miss him.

Snowman now has a great home ahead of him, if he tests negative for FIV/Felk. I believe he will and this is one great home he has waiting. If he is negative, he will leave next weekend. Hope, too, will be leaving soon. Her adoptors have been waiting for the snow to let up where they live, over near Bend. They have been unable to get through the mountains. But they hope in the next couple of days they can make it and pick up Hope, who will become a travelling cat. They are RV travellers once a year and she will travel with them.

Today, I took the Family Feud ferals down to their barn home south of Eugene. It's luxery living all the way. They have three barns in total they can roam, a horde of cat loving people, and are now set up in a very nice room of their own, in one barn. They never had it so good. This outfit will take the two brothers, if and when they are caught, too.

Tomorrow I take two DD colony cats to their barn home. I was going to add Bart, from Jackson street, but I went by the DD today, and there are actually four more cats there who will need trapped and fixed--a young black tux, a long hair black and white, a long hair orange and white male, and an all black tame male, dumped off there. So I will ask tomorrow's barn home folks to take two more, or, at least one more, from DD, instead of Bart, once I catch one more and get the cat fixed. That will be 16 in total, plus two kittens who Eugene folk are taking in, and two tame males who will be fixed Monday. That's 20 total. I believe by Wednesday they will all be fixed, meaning this situation, which has been out of hand for years, will be contained in about ten days.

I am extremely excited for Snowman and Hope especially. Happy for Bucky, too. Happy for all those doomed ferals who got some great barn homes this week. Happy for me, because I did good this week and I feel good about it, albeit rather tired and a bit banged up.

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Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

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