Wednesday, February 20, 2008


My birthday is coming up. I never do anything on my birthday. I used to get a bottle of decent beer and sit along the river to drink it, down where the cops couldn't see me.

Maybe I'm going through a midlife thing, although I'm past midlife.

I feel like I should do something significant or interesting before I keel over. I don't know why I feel that way. I suppose because you get one life and best to have few regrets really, if you can help it.

What significant thing would I like to do before I die? Well, that's the thing. I don't know. The idea of some sort of a quest seems so significant and meaningful in all its haze. What's a quest anyhow? Quests can also be very expensive, I'm sure, and I'm running on empty pockets always. Maybe I could just hike to the coast. Or to the mountains. Or to Adair Village. I'd wear a bright orange safety vest, as I walked, with big black letters that read: Quest Walker.

Or something.

Here are adrenaline junkie ideas, all expensive:

I could jump out of an airplane? Nah.

Sail the ocean in a 14 foot boat? Nah.

How about a hot air balloon ride across country? Or better yet, a hot air balloon ride out over the Pacific to search for the missing Japanese hot air balloon man, gone down somewhere out there and likely dead.

How about climbing Everest? That's the stupidest idea yet! People who climb Everest have severe mental illnesses.

Well, what then?

Submit ideas, please, for midlife crisis significant experience or quest.


  1. I don't know. I think my Bean sowed all her wild oats early, so midlife not really bother her.

  2. Just as 50 is the new 30, so ,midlife crisis, if indeed that does exist (I have my doubts, lol - because if it does, I have been having it all my life, heheh) - in the sense that I want to do so many things and there just does not seem to be time!

    So, my suggestion is to enjoy it. Do your most favourite thing- have a party with the cats. Invite friends if you want or better yet, have an online party - I for one will come if I can - and we can talk about feline stuff and women stuff and US and Canadian politics. I am admittedly a political junkie - love US as well as Canadian politics (well many countries for that matter, lol). For it is all intermingled now and affects all of us even if we are not aware of it. Like the election in Pakistan will have a HUGE impact on us and we have no oar in that water so to speak in terms of anything to say. (Other than the UN which is a colossal bureaucracy). Anyway- I am offtrack,. I am sure you do not want to talk politics on your birthday, lol

    Happy birthday in advance!!


  3. Thanks Siobhan. I don't really have any human friends left, not close friends that is, who would even remember I have a birthday. But, I could have a cat party. They seem to be on vacation all the time however, so it would be nothing new to them, to lay around, roll in catnip, etc. I'm thinking about just getting a bottle of Nyquil, drinking half of it, and sleeping for two days to celebrate. I need the rest.


Back to 7-11

 I already have 3 cats here, waiting for placement from 7-11, with Silverton Cat Rescue barn cat program. The two girls--Eleven and Petunia,...