Saturday, January 12, 2008

Never Ending Garage Cat Run Project

I was at it again today--building that overhead cat run. One day, maybe, in my wildest dreams, it will connect the house, for the cats, with the little garage room. I have, over three days, constructed two sections. In the process, I've fallen off the tippy aluminum laddar twice, gouged myself with nails twice and frozen up my right shoulder again. But it only freezes in a couple of positions, leaving me a few good shoulder joint rotations I can use to still try to get the job done. I've also had the run come crashing down on me, but it only grazed my head. This was fortunate.

I have discovered I probably could have used help doing this, more tools, and better measurements. Some of the boards and even the hardware and screws I am using have been with me through two previous residences. I use them over and over and over again, for different projects. It's not over for a piece of hardware until, well I wouldn't know yet. It's over for screws when they finally break off. I don't like throwing out bent nails either. I straighten them. Guess I'm getting to be a cheap old freak. In reality, those are resources. Even a nail. Costs to replace a nail. Costs us all to produce more of em. So I use them until it's impossible to do so anymore.

I showed my partially built run off to Snowman today, in sort of a pre grand opening.

He didn't really come out all enthusiastic about it, outwardly, but I could tell, inwardly, he is seriously impressed.

In other news, I see there was a fire at Sycamore Towers. I hope the strays who live under the building are ok. Damn that one tenant who makes it as hard as possibly can for me to catch and fix those strays, which is why I haven't been back there to catch the rest.

Strange, I think the complex up front of Sycamore Towers, facing Circle in a horseshoe, has had two fires lately. Maybe there's an arsonist in the area.


  1. The fire wasn't an arson incident. It was actually my mother's apartment...I was googling to see if anything was posted news-wise about it. It was an accidental stove incident...and the heart breaking thing that I imagine you will be saddened to know as well, is that her indoor 12 year old cat died from the smoke.

    She has mentioned some crazy lady regarding the strays over there who thinks of them as hers and is against having them fixed, given homes, taken care of etc...Last spring I adopted a kitten my mother managed to catch out there---and the woman went ballistic about it. Zoey is a happy, spoiled indoor kitty, while most of her siblings have been injured, starved, or just disapeared.

  2. I'm glad it was not an arsonist. I know that woman. I've caught a zillion cats out there. Some of the ones she still feeds I got fixed a few years back, but there are more, and she makes it SOOOOOO hard to be able to catch them and is so mean when I try. I just cringe to think of going back to try to get the rest caught and fixed. I'm sorry your mother's cat died in the fire. That must be very hard on her. Glad you got that one kitty out of there. I wish there was a way for her to be gone a few days so I could get them all fixed.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....