Sunday, January 13, 2008

Photos of the 8 cats Fixed Wednesday and Friday

Siamese teen female, from downtown Albany colony.Little gray tabby female from downtown Albany colony.
Owned Shedd male.
Owned Shedd female.
Black female, from the Millersburg four.
Brown tabby male from Millersburg four.
Black female, mother of the other three Millersburg kitties.
Brown tabby male from of the Millersburg colony, which is now all fixed.


  1. I LOVE that little meezer!!! Is she taken - I wish I lived closer!!!

  2. The colony caretaker returned her, but does want her to have a home very badly. Not sure why she returned her if she wants her to have a home.

  3. Awww, that is just so sad!! If my family not in the midst of the crisis I told you about, I'd seriously ponder coming out there to adapt her. Poor dear sweet girl!! I bet shed get along with my meezers! Sighhh! She just breaks my heart!!!

  4. Sorry It's Siobhan again - Micah is another address I have. One of my cat's names - she has email, lol Well, she IS a therapy cat = better than me I think!! Then again, I am not a psychiatrist.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....