Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Local Craigslist Pet List Full of Breeder Freaks

The Albany/Corvallis pet list is haunted by habitual flaggers and people infighting with one another over nonissues, even though the list is not for general discussion and has specific rules regarding breeders. Craig doesn't want breeders using his websites to promote their animals. That doesn't set well with the breeder crowd, who love to ignore rules.

My posts about adoptible pets, spay/neuter clinics and my most recent one, requesting volunteers and help in fundraising for spay/neuter funds was flagged and removed within a very short time, probably by the habitual "issues" crowd and the breeders who are thick on that list. Typical Linn County crap. It is annoying and this area's list is the worst I've seen for ignoring rules and mean infighting.

And for removal of any post that mentions the horrible words "spay/neuter".

I believe there are a lot of bored people out there in this area who sit home angry and on the web day in and day out.

I have come to feel craigslist is fairly useless due to the fact so many malcontents, issued people and criminals have taken it over.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog entry is right on.

    Is the below e-mail something that might interest you? I believe it originated in a craigslist post (long since flagged, no doubt)

    It's time for Craigslist to implement a mandatory spay-neuter policy. Why? Because it's the right thing to do, it will save millions of lives, billions of tax dollars, and it's now become law in many places. Do you agree? If so, now is the time make your voice heard!

    Email Craigslist right now, and ask them to require that all dogs/cats/rabbits be spayed/neutered before being advertised. It can be a one-liner, or a multi-page epistle -- your choice. Just do it NOW!

    Email it to these guys: (head of customer service) and (he's "no big deal"), or use the online form at

    After you put in your suggestion, mail this to all your friends and ask them to do the same. Craigslist's own website says "The craigslist site you see today is largely the result of user suggestions." Craigslist is our community. Just wait and see -- If enough of us request it, they'll do it!


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....