Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Seven Cats Fixed Monday

Below are photos of the seven cats fixed Monday courtesy of Poppa Inc. after the FCCO was unable to finish all the cats registered. Included is a photo of Stowaway, the girl I tried to return yesterday to the Gaffy Gang, and later, at Winco in Salem, found her hiding under the driver's seat of my car! And I had watched her exit the trap and run off with the gray teen, under the trailer. So, she had circled around, while the old man and I chatted and for some reason decided to get back into my car. I figured she wants a chance at a better life.

Corvallis feral Siamese, fixed Monday courtesy of Poppa Inc.Gray teen Gaffy Gang female, fixed Monday courtesy of Poppa Inc.
Stowaway, the Gaffy Gang female, who, after I released her yesterday, circled back around and hid in my car. She's in my bathroom currently. She badly wants a chance at a home.
In heat black and white female, fixed Monday, courtesy of Poppa Inc. funds.
And another in heat female, fixed Monday courtesy of Poppa Inc.
DLH black and white in heat female, fixed Monday courtesy of Poppa Inc.
This guy was the sole male of the six Gaffy Gang cats, not done at the FCCO clinic Sunday, fixed instead Monday courtesy of Poppa Inc.


  1. these guys are all so beautiful.

  2. meeko's heading to hawaii on saturday. we'll see how it goes. my fingers are crossed.
    can you use an electric blanket?

  3. Oh sorry, Kate, forgot to reply on the blanket. YES! Thank you. So Meeko is going back to his people, huh? Hope that works out ok, in the end. Good luck to him. How are you? We need some SUN in Oregon. Too long soggy and cold. Send me some sun, Kate!


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....