Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Vicki of Kitty Angel Team in Sweet Home

Vicki of KATA has a birthday tomorrow. Today, she had one of those horrible cat days. But, you see, Vicki also works six days a week, besides doing all this cat rescue, trying to fund raise, and getting cats fixed. Talk about an unsung hero. Talk about someone making a difference in her community.

Some cats she picked up from another volunteer, a mother and kittens, all had ringworm. This was after work she had to pick them up somewhere up north. Then, someone else who was supposed to have cats ready for her, and all vaccinated, didn't have them ready and had not vaccinated them. Then, on top of everything else, including exhaustion, her car, which she also depends upon for her work, died on highway 34. She said she felt like just walking away from everything and hopping that train passing by. Wherever it might have been going.

I know exactly how she feels.

Vicki is a volunteer. She works harder at helping animals than probably anyone in the two counties, that I know of. Never gets any recognition whatsoever, like so many true hearted unsung heroes do not. And today's her birthday.

I want everyone who reads this to e-mail Vicki, at the least, and tell her Happy Birthday and Thank You. Here is her e-mail address: vickitty@comcast.net. And if you can, pledge a donation to KATA. Then send it right off to KATA. They're a nonprofit. That would cheer her up maybe.

1 comment:

  1. i sent her an email on friday. just in case she mentions something.
    that SUCKS about your tooth!!
    maybe try a hot water bottle and advil but tooth aches are so stubborn and hard to manage.


Some Appointments

 I had some spay neuter appointments today.   I loaned traps to the large Lebanon colony lady.  We've gotten quite a few fixed already t...