Monday, January 28, 2008

Good News

There is good news to report. I got a call out of the blue from someone I had talked to awhile back. Their story was in the newspaper. A neighbor had moved out and left about 16 cats. Some kittens were so sick they died in the yard. The neighbors were outraged over such behavior. They had just moved to Albany. They had called here, but I had too many cats lined up for fixing, and suggested several other outfits, like Spay Inc. and KATA, who had, at that time, access to county cat grant funds. Spay Inc. loaned them traps and they trapped the 16 cats. The woman told me a neighbor now dotes over the cats, feeding them and providing them shelter. This was a happy ending story and I loved hearing it.

Another good thing to hear is that a man, who used to hate cats, and now loves them, is trapping cats at another Albany complex with a chronic stray problem. I will help him arrange to get them fixed. He trapped the first one and has it in his bathroom. He will be fixed Wednesday.

When other people are getting involved, makes my heart warm up and I don't feel so alone in all this. Just makes me sigh with relief and get happy.

I got called by some real nice logger men, too, from Sweet Home, who feed strays but don't have the time to get them fixed, they said, since they leave for work before the sun even thinks about coming up and don't get home til late. They said they'd pay the full cost for each fix job if I'd get them to the vet for them. Again, my heart was fluttering to hear them talk like that, tough men, caring for strays. Made me very happy.

I also heard from the Hillsboro woman who took two BS cats last week. She says they're doing great and they're so happy with them. That was very good to hear, too.

It was like a godsend, getting all these good calls today, since I"ve been kind of down.

I might have a home for Snowman. Sounds like a real nice man interested. He might be leaving tomorrow, if I get it arranged ok. And Hope is going to get a real good home, too, but they can't come get her right away, so she'll stay here, but that good home is awaiting her and it's a real good one.

I returned 12 cats to the Gaffy Gang today. That is one nice old man who cares for them, I have to say. Very kind and funny and interesting. I'll be returning the other six Gaffy Gang cats tomorrow. Three of them were females in heat, then two other females and one more male.

The seventh cat, who didn't get fixed yesterday, who was fixed today, the Siamese from Corvallis, I believe also turned out to be a male. I have one more to trap there. I returned the two boys fixed yesterday to their Corvallis caregiver.

And the 34th street Boondoggies called to say three white kittens had been dumped off there, but that two were immediately run over and killed in the parking lot. They brought the third kitten inside and wanted me to pick him up. I did, and took them a bag of cat food. He's a long hair white male kitten, about three months old. Photo below.


  1. I'm naming the latest white boy "Bucky". Don't know why. Seems to fit. I think KATA is going to take this sweetheart in.



Prissy from Quartzville road is very happy here.  After the three I had in my bathroom escaped it she instantly made herself at home.  Tickl...