Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Cat Yard Help and Six of Twelve Lebanon Cats Caught

My brother and his buddies arrived this morning to work on the cat yard. They are much better at it than I. I now have major neck and shoulder malfunction due to too much heavy overhead lifting once again (sigh). They also have working tools. Lots of them. This helps.

So the younger spry worked on the cat yard. And in the end, my brother went with me up to Lebanon, to trap that colony. They feed twelve cats.

I didn't sleep that well last night, due to pain issues. So I was kind of in a daze by the time we arrived up at the colony to set traps. Took awhile, but the cats started coming in, from a wide area. I caught six and left them one more trap. I could take in no more than six tomorrow. It took us about an hour and a half or maybe an hour, to catch six. My brother got cold, sitting in his work truck, but seemed to enjoy watching me do what I do.

I felt bad he left for home so late. It's over a three hour drive back for him. He would not be arriving home until about 10:00 p.m. or even later. He really went out of his way to come up and finish that thing. It isn't finished but soon it will be.

He bought wire on his credit card and the cost of the wire, to rim the yard, made me cringe. I just wish I could pay him back somehow. That's a lot of money right there, just for a hundred feet of two foot wide fence wire. Made me feel quilty. I usually scrounge stuff like that. So I never know how much things cost new. Well maybe I can pay him back.


  1. that sounds great! soon the cats can burn off the energy.
    don't feel guilty. that's energy you don't need to waste.

  2. Aren't good brothers such a blessing?

  3. Yes, good brothers are WONDERFUL!



Prissy from Quartzville road is very happy here.  After the three I had in my bathroom escaped it she instantly made herself at home.  Tickl...