Friday, December 28, 2007

God Rest Her Soul

That poor little gray and white girl, she's gone now. The injuries were from a dog attack. Her infection went clear into the bone and she had been infected for some time. She was extremely pale. The vet said she wasn't going to survive that infection, it was so deep and the injury so severe. God damn it. These people on that street, letting their vicious barely cared for dogs run wild who inflict such severe suffering as this little girl had to endure.

All I want to do is sob.


  1. Is it the little injured girl in the photos a few posts down? Doesn't matter, poor little thing. Aren't there dog catchers or leash laws or anything.
    Can't write anymore... just know I'm crying with you!

  2. That is very sad, but perhaps better she not have the pain. She have very hard like and she go to better place over rainbow bridge now.

  3. That is just so sad :(
    Take comfort in the fact that she was able to go peacefully rather than suffer had you not caught her.
    It is not much but it is something.
    Purrs Mickey

  4. Been discouraged tonight. Also saw a calico, probably the same one, in the triangles at 99 and 34 again, standing out white against the night. I spent a week, at night, in exhaustion, trapping her in the first place. I screeched on my brakes to try to check to see if it was her, and not another calico, but she ran off. I trapped Agent 99 after being contacted by a stables owner, who saw her, with her daughter, and said they'd take her in, if I caught her. I caught her, but it was hard, and then, after her spay, she went to the stables, nine or ten miles from the triangles. And now she's back, apparently at least. Very discouraging day, it's been. A very sad day.

  5. I am so sorry that the poor cat had to go to the Rainbow Bridge after you tried so hard to help her. It is better that she went peacefully and not from the infection, which would have happened had you not netted her. You have my full sympathy.

  6. This is so very sad. I feel so bad for that pretty little girl.
    God bless you...

  7. Jody, please know that it was a wonderful thing you did, rescuing her and helping her move on. So much better than dying in pain alone in the wild. In her next life, we can pray that she is a beloved indoor-only pampered kitty.
    You are an angel here on earth for helping these poor kitties.
    Much love and prayers,

    (aka Not The Mama from Purrchance To Dream)

  8. You do so much good for these cats. If you didn't, they would suffer much worse. We are sorry about Gracie and hope the calico you saw isn't the same one. Thank you for caring for these otherwise forgotten and ignored cats. Hugs and Purrs,
    Victor Tabbycat and family

  9. We are so very very sorry. It always breaks our hearts and makes the staff have leaky eyes to hear these sad stories like this one.
    We try to believe those horrible dog owners will learn one day - we are sure they will be punished one way or another.
    Gracie's little soul is free to come back to a better life and in this last one at least she had a loving person like you in the end, even if you couldn't save her.
    Our thoughts are with you

  10. we are so sorry about the kitty. we mourn with you and will remember you and the kitties in our prayers.
    if it is any comfort, you are an angel for the work you do and sometimes it is not given to us to see the ultimate purpose.
    thank you and god bless.

  11. She's buried now. Her suffering is over. And God looked down upon the world, and he saw a kitty suffering the frailities of humans. God saw her suffering was extreme and so He called upon one of his servants, the cat trapper, to bring her from this earth into his arms.

  12. All gods creatures, great and small, the good lord loves them all.

    We humans suffer from arrogance to think, if there be a god, that only we are important.

  13. Jody, I'm sorry that happened. Poor dear. At least she knew comfort and love from you and the vets at the end. You did a wonderful thing for her.

    Our purrrrssss and prayers are with you.

  14. So sorry that you couldn't save little Grace - like others have said, at least she knew love at the end...

  15. We are sorry to hear about Grace. We are glad that you were able to care for her and give her comfort.

    Moe & Mindy

  16. you do such wonderful work. unfortunatly not all of the cats can be saved. if anyone is to blame it is our throw away society. we weep with you on the loss of gracie. there is no pain at the rainbow bridge and one day someone who wanted a beautiful kitty will take her as their escort into heaven. our prayers are with you.

  17. I am so heartbroken to know she is not amoung you any more Jodi. Take comfort in that you loved her more than any purrrson ever in heaven she is in the lap of angels....
    Love Miss Peach

  18. I am so sorry - please accept my sincere condolences and know I'll be thinking of you!! le think of the fact you did what you could to help her!!


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