Monday, September 10, 2007

Three Corvallis Cats Being Fixed and Third NW Corvallis Feral Kitten Caught

I had received a call awhile back from a woman who lives in Corvallis wanting help for a neighbor of hers, who has an unfixed female with kittens and no means to get her fixed. So, that lovely little formerly flea ridden mom cat is up being fixed today (third photo).

I also stopped by a Corvallis resident whose female muted torti I got fixed, through Poppa, awhile back, just to see if she had more. She did. Another male, plus one of her daughter's males are unfixed. Both those boys are being fixed today.

Last night, the NW Corvallis woman, who had been feeding a mother feral and her three kittens, called to say the third kitten was in the trap. The mother cat is now fixed. Berry, the male kitten, is fixed. Breezy isn't yet, but soon will be. And now this kitten, a manx male, is in hand. The book can close on the trapping segment of that situation at least. The little guy is the kitten in last photo.

Corvallis male.
Another Corvallis male.
Corvallis mom cat.
NW Corvallis feral male kitten.

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