Saturday, September 29, 2007

Hate Thy Neighbor Kittens, Now in Oakridge

Below are photos of the three Hate Thy Neighbor kittens, two boys and one girl, who today went to a fosterer who lives in Oakridge. The first photo is of the sixth cat fixed today. Photos of the other five fixed today, courtesy of Poppa Inc., are in previous post. Eleven cats now have been fixed from Hate Thy Neighbor, one trapped and euthanized and four kittens removed.Photo of the sixth cat fixed today.


  1. wow - good job Jody!
    aren't they adorable?
    it must break your heart dealing with every day, you must be a very strong person

  2. I just need some adoptions!

    Anybody out there, who reads this blog, make fliers if you can, take pictures of the adoptibles off the blog or my petfinder site:, and post fliers, send them around by e-mail. I'm desperate to get some adoptions. THANK YOU.


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