Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Hate Thy Neighbor Colony--40 more unfixed Linn County Cats

Well, I'd put off checking out this huge colony, for two months because I have been involved in several colonies, one of them the BS situation, of over 70 cats, which I am still working.

I had heard from one neighbor of the older man who feeds the strays, who warned me on this street, everyone seems to hate everyone else. Seems that is fairly accurate.

The old man feeding strays is nice, but he too doesn't like some of his neighbors. They each wanted to tell me stories on the other. When I go back, I'm taking earplugs. I want to live in my bubble world, my very own creation world. I like my bubble world. In my world, people are nice to one another, bring each other cupcakes and pat each other's kids on the head.

After existing in that neigborhood for two hours, I dubbed the colony, the Hate Thy Neighbor colony.

These cats come from all over that he feeds. Many are very sick, herpes, which they'd likely get over with worming and flea treatment, which I'm providing, at my own expense of course. For all I know, this is a leukemia colony. I don't know that, but I have my suspicions.

He wanted to show me all the cats and talk about them. And I wanted to catch a few and get going. He showed me a kitten with its eyes completely gunked over, like it was nothing, and told me how the kitten could "feel" its way to the food, since it couldn't see.

I said "Can you get me a paper towel and some lukewarm water?" He went and got these things. I began to stroke the kittens eyes with the moist paper towel. Suddenly, a ton of pus shot out and dribbled down. The guy goes "Oh my." I said "Can you clean these kittens eyes three times a day and apply medicine I"m going to bring you?" He said he would.

In the end, I brought the three with me, because I trapped their mom. They're going back tomorrow, but I"m going to try to get him to take them inside the trailer, so they'll be warm and fed and treated for what ails them. They'll get better quicker, because I wormed them and treated them for fleas and gave them warm KMR and have them in a carrier cuddled next to a hot rice bag. I treated their eyes also and started them on anti biotics.

I don't know how you get to the point where you just watch kittens die of nothing, like that. I suppose he's overwhelmed, with so many cats and has no experience is why. But it is very difficult to see this kind of suffering going on.

These cats also come from several neighbors whose kids, grown, sort of, have brought cats back and kind of dumped them, unfixed. I could rename that street The Street of Nightmares and that too would be an accurate name, at least from the animals perspective. Seems nobody in those parts fixes their pets. It's sad and pathetic.

But this old man is kind. He was the man, which is a normal thing, and tried to grab a feral cat and bring it out to me by the scruff, when I was sitting in my car. Yes, it went ballistic and got away, as I was telling him not to be bringing that cat like that to my car because he was going to get torn up. All the men do this, and some women. I don't know why. It's getting scratched up for nothing. I think people want to help and also to kind of show off or something. I don't know. Anyhow, he was a good sport about it.

There are cats everywhere out there, many with pus dripping eyes and sneezes from chronic colds they pass around and around and back again and can't fight off because they're full of parasites.

I sat with the kittens in my car, waiting on the traps, even though it was mid afternoon and not good trapping time of day. I talked to them, lectured them, flea combed them and fed them more wet food. Two little girls and a sad eyed tux boy, about two or three weeks of age, but older than the hills already, by the hardness of their little lives.

I can't keep them here. I have too many here. I e-mailed KAT and asked if they would take them but got no response so far.

So the kittens will have to go back. I was hoping a couple of groups could all work together on that colony and get it done, so one person, me, doesn't have to do these huge ugly situations all alone, because they're so damn stressful. And often extremely sad.

I'm still working the BS colony. I got another one today, the orange female teen. That leaves the black adult female, and her three kittens, the three kittens of the now fixed white female, in the barn, an orange tabby on white teen in the back barn, two young tame orange tabby on white males up front, an 8 week old calico, an 8 week old black male and a 12 week old black male. Yup, that's it. Not counting the one getting fixed tomorrow, I have 13 cats left to get fixed out there, most being kittens. It'll come out to be close to 80 cats fixed there. There are still about five to catch at BS Overflow, next door. It's been a long summer there.

And now, hello to Hate Thy Neighbor colony. I can't even guess how many are out there. 30. 40. 150. I don't know. I do know I caught six adults today. Three females and three males. One of the females I targeted because she's extremely pregnant. I don't want to be trapping five more later on out there. So I'm hoping she can be done.

I'm sorry, but kitty abortion is way ok for me! I'm up for it. I love it. Preventing births saves lives and money. The kittens would not survive anyhow this late in the year and given the shape all these cats are in, so why not end it now for them?

Hey, I'm pro life and being pro life in the cat fixing world, means being pro kitty abortion. If you've been on the streets and seen the massive suffering caused by overpopulation, you would feel exactly the same way. If you're not just really stupid, that is.

Anyhow, I have three dominant males and three females, including the cat nursing the three kittens, so they had to come with me for the night.

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