Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Big Mess

I took four kittens up to be fixed two and a half weeks ago, at Companion in Salem. I bought some kitten food while there, and on the receipt, the stated balance due was over $800. I didn't see this until I got home.

I figured they would have said something if it wasn't a mistake. But later on, I decided to call. The person I talked to knew nothing, and said I'd have to call back this week, to find someone who might know something. So I did.

The balance by this time had increased by $5. They said that was a failure to pay fee and will continue to be added to the bill. I said "failure to pay what?" I have received no bills from Companion and haven't been in there prior to taking in the four, for over six months. When I take cats in for fixing, they are to automatically bill Poppa Inc. for the fixes. They know that. I also remind them each time.

They said the bill is a result of three times I brought in cats, almost a year ago and the bill was never paid. I said "Did you bill Poppa back then, as always, for those fixes?" They think they did. I can't get ahold of Poppa's treasurer, or haven't been able to yet. This needs figured out, because for some reason, they put those fixes and now the balance due, onto my account. I will be held accountable.

Who is to blame? I haven't a clue. I dont' know if Companion never billed Poppa in the first place or if Poppa didn't pay. But it's me going to end up holding the bag full of shit. The cats who got fixed were, of course, Albany cats. I was working the College Park Drive complex at that time, the low income drug infested complex over run with cats, many who had been abandoned by tenants. I got over 70 cats fixed from that complex alone, all on Poppa's dime.

There's so many things wrong with that concept to begin with, that a handful of Portland area people would have to work so hard to pay for fixing Albany cats. But, well, what do you do?

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