Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Good News for Oak Street

The woman feeding five strays, including a Siamese who is pregnant, who contacted me last week wanting to get everyone fixed but the Siamese, has decided to let me fix her pregnant. So I will indeed help her get the others fixed. The Siamese already had one litter this year and all the kittens died. The other female has kittens, too, but she doesn't know where they are. The other three cats she feeds she believes are boys. So tomorrow, I am hoping to get all five fixed, since the strays kittens, if still alive, are over a month old.

Then, same day, I get a call from a woman living in the apartments on Oak, with a female, also who had one litter already this year and is pregnant again. She's getting fixed tomorrow also. She has an unneutered male, too. She found homes for the first litter of kittens. I wish I knew where they went, because adopted out unfixed, they could be scheduled to keep the problem going.

So a bunch of Oak street cats are going to get rounded up and fixed. Oak street has been kind of an ongoing problem area.

There is a stray on Spicer with kittens too, being fed by someone who is friends with someone I know.

Someone called who just bought a house on Cloverridge, said the woman she bought the house from claimed she'd take the cats she fed with her, but she left them all. They're strays, ferals and there are kittens under the house. I told her if she wanted them gone, she'd need to find barn homes for them, but I could help get them fixed. She estimates, with the kittens, that there are about ten cats. These appear to be some of a litter from last fall, the mother, a couple of roam in males and a litter also from this year. So, these resulted from an unfixed abandoned house pet or two that this woman began feeding without fixing.

I directed her to one of her new neighbors, a nice woman for whom I've helped get strays fixed several times over the years. She also has a live trap.

Poppa e-mailed me to say a Portland woman, living on Woodstock, donated $100 to Poppa via my website! THANK YOU Woodstocker!

Poppa also told me an Australian donated $12, via my website to POPPA, to use in fixing! Absolutely wonderful! Thank you, Australia, for helping fix Linn County, Oregon cats! Isn't that unbelievable?

One of the Jefferson cats I trapped a year or was two ago, Nigel, was found very ill, laying in her garage, by the woman who adopted him. She rushed him to Dove Lewis, where an X-ray showed fluid surrounding his lungs and air in his chest cavity. When they tried to insert tubes to draw out the pus, he couldn't handle it, was too ill, and Nigel died. She never found out exactly what killed him, but it is believed he had a penetrating chest injury. A lung perhaps collapsed and he got an infection. She cannot imagine how this could have happened. A cat can fall and poke himself in the fall with almost anything fine. If it penetrates the lung lining by going between a rib and this is not noted or the injury or accident not seen, it's all over. Nigel at least experienced months of happiness and good food, prior to his death at a relatively young age.

I ran into Nigel, a young starving brown tabby male, when fix hopping brought me to a cat overloaded house in Jefferson. These folks had about seven unfixed pet cats. Most were girls. The house is crammed with people, people who sleep til noon, breed kids when they are just kids, and won't lift a finger to help, even with their own cats.

A few months ago, when I stopped by again, to try to trap the one remaining unfixed stray, offspring of Jenny, Nigel's mother, they said the boyfriend of the young girl with at least one or two kids, who doesn't get up til noon and does nothing, took at least two of the cats I got fixed to the humane society in Salem, where, because they were adult females, they were likely killed. I was furious. I had wasted my time, emotions and Poppa's money on these lazy ass people, then they killed at least two of the cats I helped them with.

Why? They claimed they couldn't afford cat food for them. But, there, running around the crammed messy house, was a brand new pitbull puppy, a female, and, the dumbshit tells me, they hope to breed her. I left the house cursing up a storm.

Down the block, where I got two sweet manx black long hair females fixed for a woman, I couldn't raise her when I knocked, to check on them. Some strange man was sitting on the porch and finally the son opened the door. His mother's in jail and, I got told, they hope to get her on charges of endangering the welfare of a child, since she was growing pot in there or making meth. I asked about the cats. The son, who is about 17, said they're around somewhere and seem ok.

Later, the dumbshits in the crammed up house of breeding lazies, told me how concerned they all were, since a child molestor moved to Jefferson, how the cops all brought fliers around.

I thought to myself, 'these people sure need something to direct blame towards, as being a danger to their children. They sure wouldn't want to take a good hard look at their own lives, would they?' They themselves are the biggest danger their children face.

Anyhow, amidst all this human drama, I saw the black male, one of three kittens Jenny had, before I trapped and fixed her, when fixing the strays fed at the deserted house by the cigarette selling man. She also had a Siamese, who wandered up the convenience store, where someone got him, had him neutered and feeds him now at her place. She also had a beautiful silver tabby male--Jack. I trapped him, had him neutered and he got a home in Salem. The all black was the kitten I never trapped. It was hard there---thieves walk the alley and nobody will watch a trap reliably.

I trapped two brown tabby females. They are sisters, the cigarette man told me. I couldn't return Jenny. She was so skinny. She got a home with a very nice woman in Corvallis. Jenny is now fat and happy.

Nigel, the cigarette man said, was one of Jenny's kittens from the fall before. He too was skinny as a rail. I didn't want to return him either. A very kind Portland woman adopted Nigel.

NIgel's aunt is fixed too, but still over in Jefferson, living in a woodshed and eating, when the cigarette man puts food at the deserted house. She and the others competed for this food, unsuccessfully when I was trapping them, with a family of raccoons who lived in the deserted house. The raccoons have vanished, so the remaining cats, Jenny's sister and son, the black, are now quite fat.

Both live barely noticed lives, however, while the nearby humans exist, living and focused inwardly, with seemingly little spirit or joy.

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