Sunday, June 03, 2007

Bye Bye Monster Monitor

My Portland friends asked me if I needed a monitor, since they'd heard me curse the monster I was using, in the move especially. It's large enough to sleep two cats comfortably and weighs more than a baby baleen whale. They had a monitor they said was going to a thrift store, if I wasn't interested. Well I was interested! So Mike shipped it down. Today, I am seeing the world thinly, on a monitor a tenth or less the size of the old monster and is like a feather in comparison to the weight of the old. Now, to find an out for the monster, a useful out, because I bet somebody could use it. THANK YOU Mike and Linda!

Also, thank you KATE! You know what for. Rollerball is still a classic in my opinion.


  1. We switched to flat panel monitors about a year ago and we LOVE them. As you said, the regular monitors weigh a ton, are difficult to lift, and take up too much space. I'm so glad you've got something more mobile now.

    I've donated my old monitors to my vet clinic. I don't know if they actually get used in the clinic, or if staffers take them home, but they always seem to be appreciated. That's an option. Or, you could find out if a place like POPPA needs an extra office monitor. You just never know.

    Seeing as we're all swapping computer equipment, would you like my extra external hard drive? I think it stores 40 GB, and it works fine, but I had to move to a larger one as I store hundreds of full websites on it. It would be an alternative to storing photos on CD. If you're interested, let me know and I'll mail it to you this week. It just plugs into a USB port -- there's no special installation required.

  2. I"d love it, Leigh Ann. What can I ship you?

    I've been thinking about what I might do if the vet clinic, now under new ownership, ups prices first of July or refuses to do so many surgeries. So i was thinking "video cam". I think I'd like to make short movies. I'm going to figure out what sort of camera I might want to get, haven't even checked them all out yet. Any suggestions? You're the tech genius and maybe you also know something about video cams? Ever made a short movie?

  3. I'll take that cute black cat who lives in your garage ;-)

    I should know something about video cams after working in TV for so many years, but I really don't. I've got an 8mm digital which is about eight years old, but I've never used it for much. I took video of my brother's wedding, took some live video of parrots for an interactive CD-ROM I had to make for a computer class, etc., but the camera isn't something I use very often. It's starting to overheat easily, too, so I think it's about on its last legs. I don't think I'm a "movie" person, and I prefer still photos.

    That said, Flippy's older brothers used to make stop-action films when they were kids, 40 years ago. And her teenage nephews now make their own "music videos", so there are lots of people around me who love their video cams. I like to film my foster kittens using the video feature on my regular digital camera, but that's as far as it goes.

    My friend Denise Ohio wrote a book back in 2001 called, "The Five Essential Steps in Digital Video". I'm told it's a great resource for people who want to try to make a short film with a video camera, but I think a lot of the technology in it would be outdated because the book is so old.

    Long story short... I'm not much help with this, am I?!


Rain Stops Finally

 We endured a lot of rain.   Pineapple express thing.    Way too much rain.  My yard is sinky mud.  We also had wind.  Fortunately the neigh...