Sunday, June 17, 2018

Nothing But.......

Nothing fixing.

I'm still at it, but not long before my time off.  I seriously need the time off and am very much looking forward to it.  There's tomorrow's cat load to be fixed and then one more a week from tomorrow.  And then?   Bwa ha ha.  I'm off.

In the garage right now, wait three females.   They're waiting to be fixed tomorrow.   Two of them are unwanted where they live and won't go home.  Which is a sorry thing, to be unwanted.  But, the black female, Topaz, from the Tennessee Road colony, the last cat there, will be joining her relatives who were fixed two weeks ago, with my barn cat placement friend.  She is about to place all of them, and says Topaz will be welcome to go with them.  They'll be together again, all of them, at a new place, where they are wanted.

Topaz will be fixed tomorrow
That's seven cats (5 adults and 2 kittens) removed from that one location.  Another 3 kittens will be fixed tomorrow from another location on that same road.   That will make five kittens, their mom and a big male helped there at the 2nd location.  The male didn't return as he was unwanted.  14 cats helped on that road alone in the last couple of weeks.

So besides Topaz, and the other three kittens from the other location on that road, the two boy kittens from the Lebanon apartment complex also will be fixed.  My barn cat placement friend is also taking them tomorrow.  She's bored and I hope she can tame them for house cat homes.  She volunteers with an adoption group up where she lives too.

Then there is Moonless, from Waterloo.  The woman who fed her contacted someone in Salem for help I guess is what happened and that person asked me to go catch her.  I took a trap over.  The young kitty may be tame.  The woman who fed her said she just suddenly showed up and had kittens.  The woman handled the kittens plenty then found them homes.   Moonless didn't take much to trap and she has been eating up a storm in a cage in the garage.  After she is spayed tomorrow, Meow Village will take her and find her a place.

Moonless, a stray Waterloo female

Also in my garage a so far unphotographed torti female, Pho is what she's named, with a wandering eye.  Yeah, that right pupil wanders all over the place, strangest thing.   She was seen on security camera with a lone kitten in tow, but the kitten has not been seen in a few days so the people trapped her, using the old water bottle under the trap door technique.  You yank the water bottle out from under the trap door to close the door only on the cat you want to trap.  See, I helped them with two other cats a few months ago, and they didn't want to retrap those two.

They also trapped a tabby on white, but when she brought  him over, he was meowing in the trap and I could see--very tame.  I reached in to pet him and discovered how skinny he is and also that he is already neutered.  I advised her to take him on over to Heartland Humane, so he could be on stray hold, in case he has an owner, and then, if not, be adopted out.  So that's where he is now.

In the night, she texted me ecstatic, that she'd caught the big orange male, whom everyone in her neighborhood wants fixed (or worse).  The unfixed males have no friends.  They spray mark and look for fights and nobody wants them around.  Well hopefully this will mark a new era in big orange guy's life and in a month or two, when he turns into a nicer guy, he'll find acceptance.

I don't have photos yet of the big orange not even over here yet, or Miss Pho with the wandering eye, but they'll be fixed too tomorrow and at least they get to go back home afterwards, to their familiar home turf, which is always the best thing for them.

As for the kitten Pho has been seen with, they are looking for him.  He has not been seen, like I say, for two days and only twice ever.   They say he looks six to eight weeks of age, plenty old, if that is true, to eat on his or her own.  But where is he?

That's the cat story for the week.  Nine are set to be fixed tomorrow.  Of those nine, I'll only be overnighting two of them post surgery and they will go home the next day.  Getting off easy for a change, I'd say.

Onward to the Break!


  1. I am not surprised you want/need a break.
    Enjoy it to the max.

    1. Will be enjoying it to the max, EC. You know I will!

  2. It's good that at least a few of the people you talk to are trapping cats themselves. Every little bit helps.

    1. I try to get everyone to trap their own now. Doesn't work with about half the folks, but it helps that half do, saves my back, sleep, money, time and sanity.

  3. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Well done, as usual. Do enjoy your break. What are you going to do?

    1. Hmmm, not sure Andrew. I have no money for even one night in a motel and can't even afford our own Oregon state parks anymore, they're so high, just to camp. But I will figure something out. Or just do nothing at all.

  4. Bless you and those who help. ~hugs~ There's a little boy on my lap as I type. I'm hoping he gets a good checkup tomorrow and we can get him neutered soon. Looks like we're back to having thee cats. ~grin~ Be well, my dear.


Today's Adventure

 Today my tiny outing was when the neighbor wanted to know if I'd like to ride down to the Strawberry Farm with her.  She wanted to get ...