Saturday, March 06, 2010

Crusty Still Here. He needs a Home.

Crusty is still here. I am not comfortable with taking him back, so far. The woman who had fed the cats really didn't want me to turn him loose near her trailer, which is akin to dumping him. I am not happy about this whole situation. I do not want another cat here, am completely overwhelmed in cats I can't find homes for.

I don't know what to do. He needs an operation too to help flip the eyelashes out.

I don't think I"m going to trap the other two at the trailer park. I don't like getting pulled into such situations, with tame abandoned cats and nobody willing to help them. I got sucked in before, right next to the trailer I'm helping now, with the old woman who fed strays then died and a family who told me they'd help find them homes, if I took them in, and donate and they did neither. I'm really tired of being such a sucker. This cat needs a home. But I can't keep him here, with all the others I can't find homes for.


  1. POOR BOY! But, I sure can't blame you for not turning him out. That would be so cruel-it's like he's blind. Sigh-I know, Jody-it's too crowded here too. I just wish I had a resource to get the cats fixed without our input because we are so broke I can't even honor my daughter's graduation coming up, I am choosing to buy FOOD instead. LOL Oh, well-such is life...our life.

    Take care,

  2. Anonymous7:13 PM

    how much would crusty's surgery cost?

  3. i happened upon your blog by accident doing a google search. you rock! i am a supporter of winging cat rescue. i recently wrote a poem to post on their fundraiser bulletin, they are trying to raise funds for spay and neuter vouchers (some free, some half price) for cats in spalding county, mainly those adopted or rescued from spalding animal control in georgia. i too highly believe in spaying/neutering. unfortunately, i'm not too good with TNR. i didn't need to trap him, he came up to me, i got him neutered but have yet to release him. he's been with me since april 14,2009. my other three cats don't like him but sheesh, i guess i get too attached too easily. not to mention my landlord only thinks i have 2 cats. anyway, here is my poem you might like. pretty much sums up the fundraiser by WCR...
    sperm and egg kept in two separate places
    to often get mixed and turn into faces
    too many faces already on earth
    its time to lock up those places and stop the birth
    by helping the un-kitties to stay being un
    you are helping the ones whos lives have already begun
    by increasing the chances in a tight competion
    for a place in a home - a ticket for admission
    so by giving the green you are reducing the blues
    help make pet overpopulation history instead of old news

  4. Nice poem!!! Says it all!


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