Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Haiti on my Mind

The disaster in Haiti is so overwhelming I don't know how to think about it. I wish I could do something to make things easier on the survivors, create a better future for them. If I only had that magic wand...

You don't see emergency personel and ambulances at the rubble, searching it. Why not, I wonder. I know Haiti is known for corrupt government as many governments destroy their own people's futures.

The destruction there is mind boggling. I cannot wrap my mind around it. The people there I wonder how they can even go, day to day. What will their future be? So many are affected. Millions. How in the world can this be addressed? I was proud of our Presidents' words today. When he said "we share common humanity"

I'd like to see Al Qaida out there giving aid. Come on you radical religiosos. Bin Laden, you religious leader you, isn't this up your alley? Don't you declare yourself righteous? Are you going then, with all your people, to humbly give aid? Will you ask your followers to give? to open wallets? Or is all your money effort going into making bombs still and killing people? You're so damn fake and tunnel visioned and bloody vicious. Even Iceland is loading up planes and people to go help. And France.

You see, such disasters show the character of those who reach out their hands and open their wallets to help. And of those who don't. Disasters are a very clear gauge of character.

My heart yearns things, to see the images. I want to wrap my arms around people and cry with them. I don't know, but the images, the images. There's nothing anybody can do about earthquakes. They happen. It could happen here. All sorts of disasters can happen in an instant. Life can be gone in an instant. One lesson from this disaster is to cherish each moment and to tell family and friends how much they are loved.

I caught cat number 11 tonight. I was shocked to find a scared teen in the trap when I checked out there at the colony. I hadn't checked since 10:30 this a.m., because I just figured I caught who I'd catch. But I went out at 5:00, and there was a young little bugger with a clouded left eye in the trap. The eye is close to bulging, which means not far from rupture, but it is savable I think.

The minute I got home I put eye drops in the cats eye, despite the hissing and bravado, from a kitten basically, who thinks I've already killed his family and he's next.

Little does he know, I am not the Al Quida type at all. I'm the type who would, if I could, be parachuting into Haiti, with supplies bought with every penny I have, to help in any way I could.

See that's the thing, Mr. Kitten with Clouded Eye. Disasters show the character of those who respond and those who don't. Whether it's Haitians or little kittens in need.

I think about people all over the world tonight. They're seeing the images of Haiti and they're thinking their problems aren't that bad. I'm seeing very very poor people and even selfish snobby rich people and spoiled brat teens, taking a second look at their lives and priorities. Many of them, despite their own hardships, are scraping together something to send off to help.

Now these people are in stark constrast to those strapping bombs to themselves, making arrogant videos, laden in guns, about blowing up somebody somewhere because they're so damn righteous. Yeah, whatever. Righteous a.k.a. nuts. If they would donate to help the Haitians now, even a tiny little bit, they'd do more in their lives doing that than they ever would blowing up themselves to kill other people. It's sad to think about, by comparison. And really very pathetic.

Countries and people all over the world are marshalling their resources, however scant, and their spirits to go help fellow human beings in need and it is beautiful, I say, just beautiful.


  1. poor Mr. Clouded eye. i bet he's happier today. congrats on the catching of the colony!!

    the disaster reminds me to try to help those close to me since there are people everywhere in need.

    i just wish the response for katrina was this it's still a mess there for people living sub-standardly.

  2. The scariest and most hideous part of any kind of major disaster anywhere in this world is the theft of babies and children into sexual slavery. This is the most hidden but truest of human debauchery.
    Sorry to say but it must be said! It's all I can think about.


    IRONICALLY veri word: salehula

  3. I applaud the rescue workers of fairfax, Va. for saving a few survivors under mindboggling messes of buildings...some of those recues were nothing short of miraculous - esp. the one in the u.n. building - which was upside down - down the hill next to where it used to stand! And the turks - they were continuing to try to reach a woman - a cashier in a building - even though they stopped getting a response from her - they won't give up till they reach her.
    Ordinary volunteers these people - not one military...

  4. It is hard to understand why the military responses are so darn slow, while ordinary citizens get in and start helping, from places like VA, immediately.

  5. I think because regular folks - even rescue workers in the u.s. or turkey (which has tons of earthquakes) are used to just pitching in and working rather than sitting back, waiting for orders from "above".

  6. Just wanted to say hello from Haiti (vol w/ Drs without Borders- it's crazy; we could not land for 2 days!) Best med ctre is Israeli one.
    Hope this works S

  7. I heard the Israelis have an impressive field hospital that was up and running almost instantly. Siobhan, send updates, will you, and pictures if you get them. I'll post them here.


Sun Coming

 Sun is supposed to come to us finally here in Oregon.   It's been pouring last few days, today included. At first, the weather stations...