Thursday, February 06, 2025


 A little snow in the valley had been forecast as a possibility for yesterday.   

We only got a tiny bit.   I had two Lebanon cats here.  They're from a colony I am trying to finish.   Their mom was fixed some time ago.   She'd had seven kittens and the couple kept two of them.  I knew they'd likely not get them done before brother/sister relations produced some very inbred kittens.   Anyhow I took them to Alpine Animal Hospital yesterday morning.

I did not get a decent photo of the pair, who overnighted in my bathroom.   Spiffy is black and white, a boy, while Patches is a gorgeous muted torti.

It was snowing by the time I crossed the river into Benton County.  Down Granger I drove, delighting in the heavy flurries.   After I crossed highway 99W, onto Highland, it was really coming down.  I took video once at the vet clinic.

The snow was shortlived.  By the time I drove back to pick the cats up, around 11:30, it was gone.

I drove the cats back to Lebanon in full on wind and rain storm that whipped at my car.

One more cat to catch there at that colony.  Siete, the kittens mom, was the first I took to be fixed.  Then I caught three outside teens.   Then I got six more, who went to the FCCO to be fixed with Julie.   Now Siete's two kittens.

I went to Gleaners Tuesday.  I did set up and adoptee boxes.  There was not a lot of food.   Lots of bread though, as the lady doing bread the week before forgot to put it out.  So we also displayed last weeks bread.  Yesterday evening, we had the monthly meeting and a members potluck.   I enjoyed it.  I'd been so isolated here while I had that bad cold.  I think I may have been near last to leave last night.

I got to get going.  Someone found two teen cats, huddled in the middle of a rural road after dark--freezing out.  She nearly hit them.  Then she turned around and scooped them up, said she couldn't leave them there to die.  But she couldn't have them inside her apartment.  She has a dog that hates cats so they've been on her balconey.   A Portland rescue is taking them.  I got to get a move on and go pick them up, vaccinate them, and drive them up.

Here's dear old Haley and her young best friend Pistachio.   


  1. We had an ice storm last night, but luckily it turned to rain this afternoon, so it's all gone. Snow is so pretty, especially when it comes down in big flakes.

    1. Oh, I do not like ice storms. They're so dangerous. Good that its gone.

  2. It's a sweet clip of Haley and Pistachio.

    1. They're the odd couple, adore one another. Haley is super old so it won't be a long friendship.

  3. Replies
    1. Hasn't been any warmth around here for a long while.

  4. Right now it to cold to snow.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....