Sunday, February 09, 2025

Scooping Poop

 Sorry Canada, we need all your beautiful minerals and trees.  So...yeah, you're our 51st state now.  Congratulations!!!

Greenland, we need your minerals too.   So you are ours now.  Considerate it done.  But we have to rename you.  Green is a Satanic word you know.  How about Dark Magnaland?  I like it.  No I love it.

Takes all the worlds minerals for us to switch to AI, which is super clean, if you think about, cause we're just moving the minerals around a little.  We'll need all of Oregon's water too, they have too much to handle really, to cool our AI data centers and they're just a bunch of hippies anyhow, they don't need power so we'll be taking that too to power up our AI centers. 

Just kidding around.   Because what else can one do.

I have five cats from Sweet Home in my bathroom.   Tomorrow is a high number of drunks on the road day, being super bowl Sunday.  I generally stay off the roads.  So I went up to Sweet Home and got them this afternoon.  She had them contained in a dog crate outside.

The super bowl spectacle/political rally is something I will miss, sorry to say.   I've got to shave mats off a couple cats and soak litter boxes.

We're all wading in deep shit here in America.  There's so much of it flying around its hard to keep up and that comes from a professional litter box scooper.

The five cats in my bathroom will be fixed Monday.  Four blacks and a muted calico.

They're very shy.

Kinda like me.  I do my hissing and spitting to an audience of no one.  Then I pick up the litter scooper and carry on.


  1. Via osmosis, I am quite aware of your super bowl. I am not interested and I don't need to know about it. But maybe as a patriotic American, you should watch it, even if it is a bit MAGA.

  2. "We're all wading in deep shit here in America. There's so much of it flying around its hard to keep up and that comes from a professional litter box scooper." HA!

  3. We're not watching the Super Bowl, but we are having chili and chips in its honor. Did you know that after Thanksgiving, the Super Bowl is the next in line for the most food consumed?

    1. I did not know that about Super Bowl but probably I would have guessed Christmas. I grew up in a family that loathed professional sports so we never got in the habit of watching any sports. Plus it seems so strange to be a fan of a team, when you don't know any players on that team. I might be an oddball. I just can't get into it, seems so boring to watch. But I like the food, I bet I would anyhow.

  4. Wading in deep shit sure sums things up well. Even takes the fun out of the Super Bowl, which says a lot, because I always looked forward to it in the past. Excellent post!

    1. Aw, that's too bad, no good when there's no fun in a big event one looks forward to. But yeah, we're deep doodoo around here.

  5. Apparently enough people have been calling their Congress-critters that some are starting to get nervous. There are scripts floating around for what to say. Either criticizing for the GOP or those Dems that aren't doing enough resisting. And thanks to those who are resisting. One of these days I'm going to join their numbers. Adam Schiff is doing a lot of talking but not enough action, and I'd like to tell his minions about it.

    1. I seriously have no idea how this all will end up.

  6. The latest news is that Trump is refusing to honor the government's grant obligations despite a court order telling him that he is acting illegally. Now that he has instigated a "Constitutional Crisis," America will be under the rule of a dictator if no one has the balls to stop him. I keep thinking that Republican leaders must surely have SOME limit to what they will allow him to get away with, but I'm not at all sure.

    As to the good news, I am finally able to comment here after switching browsers, allowing cookies, and signing in with a temporary passcode.

    1. I don't think the Republicans have any balls. Well, Liz Cheney did, so to speak and look what happened to her. But she chose principle over career fear. They're a bunch of feet lickers, its so pathetic, the tech billionaires too---bowing down. It's just like they're all scared or just as bad I think. He's going to trash the constitution. Nice you can comment again.

  7. Most of us don't have a choice but to carry on. I didn't watch the Super Bowl but we did go to a party. Some watched and others ate and chatted.

    1. In know. Carry on. Sounds like a fun party.


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