Friday, January 17, 2025

Day Over

 Night before last, I was a restless sleeper, up and down.  This happens sometimes when I have an early rise alarm set and cats in the garage.

I got up for good about 4:30 a.m. and began preparing the cats to load in the car.  I was going to leave about 7:00 a.m.   But all the cats need shifted to clean traps first.

It's a long process with 14 cats.   I put the back transfer door of a clean trap, lined in newspaper and part of a pee pad, against the transfer door of the trap the cat is in.  I open both doors and move the cage cover off the cat inhabited trap to the empty clean one.  The cat generally scoots right into the cage covered trap. 

Then I clean the trap the cat had been in, so I can do it over again with the next cat.   For half or more of the traps, this meant  a trip to the shower, to wash it there, since its down to freezing nights and I don't have an outside hose hooked up.

I left just after 7:00, but hit heavy congestion traffic that delayed my arrival until nearly 9:00 a.m.

After checking the cats in, I headed straight to Karen's place.   She wasn't there but had told me to go on in and do what I wanted.  What I wanted to do was nap and I did, on her couch, two seperate times.   Her house is under remodel but last stages.  I can't imagine living months in her kitchen but she had to during the remodel.  

It is beautiful though, what the remodelers have done to it.  

I remained there until about 3:30 when I headed back to FCCO to pick up the cats.  It was almost 4:45 before I got the call to come pick them up.  The parking lot had been crammed in cars waiting so I was too far from the pickup table for me to carry 14 cats back to my car.

But, in the meantime, while waiting, the people in the car next to me had gone and gotten their cats picked up and loaded.  But when he tried to start his vehicle, it would not start.  He knocked on my window and asked if I had jumper cables.  He thought it was the battery dead because he'd sat there waiting, engine off, but lights on.  I stumbled, not wanting to tell him I did have some, because I was pretty sure they don't work anymore, have broken wires.   They're 25 plus years old.  Finally I told him I had some, but also told him my reservations.  Besides, I was pretty sure it wasn't his battery.   He'd come after I had arrived and not waited that long before he was called to come pick up his cats at the table outside the front doors of FCCO.  How bad does your battery have to be, to go dead in 15 minutes with your lights on.

But that's the hallmark of a bad starter.  It works to start your car, then suddenly doesn't work when you go to restart your car.   I repositioned my car to have the battery close enough to his battery that the cables would reach then came half hour of trying to charge it up enough to start the car.   That never worked.  He was so sure, just five more minutes and it would charge enough to start.  AFter 40 minutes he gave up, with sincere thanks given to me for delaying my departure.  In the meantime, he had loaded my cats back in the car for me.  He said he would call his cousin.  He had teenage kids in the car too.  I hope they got it going somehow.  It could have been my bad jump cables.    I probably should have kept my mouth shut that they were in the car.   

More congestion on the way home.  I got home about 7:00.   It was time to clean my cats litter boxes, feed my cats and feed the 14 guest cats.  That took awhile but I got it done and went to bed.  I have maybe 20 cans of cat food left in the house after all the trapping and then feeding 14 extras.   After I return the cats I will need to head to the store.

Here are photos of the last two, the two I caught out there night before last.   We'd miscommunicated badly about trapping on Wednesday.  They had doctor appointments and were gone much of the day.   I finally went out after dark and caught two more late.

The classic torti is from the second barn.  We are going to try to catch the rest from there next week, for more appointments she got.   Its open on one side and occupied by goats.  The cats live in the loft.  There's really nowhere to set traps except a small walkway as you enter the barn.  We will not get them all the first time around due to the lack of space for traps.  The cats will catch on very very fast.


  1. Congratulations on getting 14 cats done in one day. What a job to get them all there and back! Where are they going after they recover?

    1. Back to their home. They have it good where they are cared for.

  2. That was a very long, and productive day. Well done.
    I also sleep fitfully when I know I have to be up early. Afraid of sleeping through?

  3. Even if the cables failed, and I agree with you that it wasn't the battery, it is too risky now to jump start a very modern car from another. Apparently the electronics are so easily fried.

    1. His car was a massive modern SUV. I worried some that my car would be damaged somehow but I didn't worry about theirs being damaged because he was the one pushing to use the cables. Next time, I keep my mouth shut. Having an old fashioned solution, like jumpers, is almost now like offering directions to someone with map apps---unwanted and dates a person and a car, that I would carry jumpers.

  4. At least you tried with the car. Even though it didn't work. You eliminated one possibility for him. And it was probably nice to have help loading up the cats.

  5. Wow, that's a very long day and a lot of hard work. So nice of you to help with the jumper cables!


Some Appointments

 I had some spay neuter appointments today.   I loaned traps to the large Lebanon colony lady.  We've gotten quite a few fixed already t...