Monday, December 02, 2024

More Cats! Tooth Fixed!

 The Sweet Home ladies have caught two more cats up Quartzville.  Can you believe that?

Neither one is the one I caught on game cam, however, the night I caught the all gray one.  

The all gray one, Tickle, is a girl.   So is the next to last one caught up there, who was so traumatized, when they brought her here, and I pulled her out of the trap, she just wanted held and hugged and nursed on my sleeve like a kitten.   Another girl. I haven't named her yet.

Then last night they caught yet another.  This one was strange.  A brown tabby tux HUGE boy, who is so big he doesn't look like he ever missed a meal.  WTH!  Freshly dumped must be.  So, active dumping still going on.   I was so concerned over this state of affairs I went to the sheriffs office and filled out a paper.  A deputy called me but said there's little they can do unless they catch them in the act but said they'd keep an eye out when they patrol up that road.

Peter Green (get it?  Green Peter backwards, for Green Peter dam.  He was caught 10 miles up that god forsaken road beyond the dam)

I got him neutered today because I knew he was a boy and I don't hold unfixed boys here.  He'll still smell like an unfixed boy for awhile but he won't be humping the unfixed gray girl with a loaded gun.

I also got referred to a guy living in a trailer park near me with cats.  I wasn't expecting what I found however.  The room the cats mostly inhabit is thick in cat poop, some white from age, like he hasn't cleaned in there for a long long time.  I gave him a kind lecture over it, since he's pretty disabled, said it might take him under three hours to clean that room good, to get at it, there's nothing like the feeling when its done.  I also told the relative who referred me how bad it was.  I took four of the 11 cats in to be fixed today.

Darko, a boy

Garfield, a boy

Mama K, a mom to some of the others

Snoopy, a boy

I had my dental appointment today.  The dentist was young, kind and seemed very competent.   They were very nice.  He decided to refill the tooth in hopes the exposed nerve will not inflame again.  Otherwise, I'll have to get a root canal.  I came home excited only to be unable to eat on the tooth again, due to nerve pain, but it may be just because of all the agitation on it of today.   I put the mouthguard piece back in and mashed some food to eat using that again.  He said it could hurt a couple more days.  Crossing fingers it will calm down.     I'm really hopeful and so happy it wasn't pulled.  At least not yet.

When I go to a public place or dental or doctor office, I see all the little flaws of mine loudly.  My one purse has scuff marks and missing little spots.  My blouse is old with holes where cats claws have kneaded.  My nails were not cut well.  My shoes had stains. I think of my car, with the one door lock that doesn't work, pieces gone from exterior, chipped aging fading paint. I don't like to be in public.  I feel awkward and inadequate and poor.  But there are places I don't feel this way.  So I try to go elsewhere in my mind, and think of the places I love, like the lake or the river, or in bed reading with my cats around me, even out Quartzville road in the freezing black night with the possibilities endless, the night exhilerating and nobody on earth to judge anything about me.   The dentist and his staff were exceedingly kind and made me feel comfortable.  Still, I focused on the ceiling light and went elsewhere.

I now have four Quartzville cats waiting for barn homes.  Silverton Cat Rescue isn't getting requests right now for barn cats.  The holiday and all.

So that's the story.  Five fixed today, two clinics.  Tooth fixed, let's hope for good.

When I was coming home from Alpine in Lewisburg after picking up Peter Green, I turned onto Lewisburg road and saw a large spotted wild cat dead along the road.  This was not a house cat.   I turned around and went back to see what that was, but there were too many cars coming to get out, like I wanted to, so I just took a photo.  Appears to be a dead adult bobcat.


  1. I've got my fingers crossed that your tooth is on the road to recovery!

  2. Sound like the guy in trailer park could use some personal care.

  3. I'm glad you were able to get your tooth fixed. I hope the pain goes away and all is done with that for now.

  4. I am really, really glad your tooth was fixed and hope it is done and dusted.
    I hope the relative that referred you to the trailer park guy steps in and helps him. With the cats and I suspect other things too.
    And as always, thank you for your hard work.

    1. I hope so too. Ordinarily I would call someone about seeing that kind of thing, for the mans' health and the cats. But nowadays, there's nobody to call that could do anything. So hope the relatives help him out. He could do it himself, he is not physically disabled.

  5. I hope the man takes your advice. Clearly he means well.
    Your tooth treatment sounds promising. Would a root canal filling be offered by your insurance if required?

    1. Yes, he seems quite good natured and wants to do right by the cats. No I don't think my insurance helps with a root canal. I may be mistaken, because they may for a front tooth.

  6. Tooth pain sometimes lingers for a while, but I'm glad you got it fixed and found a dentist that you like. I dress for comfort and don't always look the best, but most of the time I don't care. But occasionally, I feel just like you do. However, I think I worry more about it than anyone else because I'm not sure they notice.

    1. I don't think anyone looks twice at my old purse or even see the pinprick holes in my blouse. I just get very self conscious about little dumb things in public places or the likes of offices.

  7. I'm self conscious about my thin, self butchered hair. I planned on seeing a professional stylist for the first time since the start of 2020 but only if I stopped clawing at my scalp. Unfortunately, this terrible childhood habit only worsened with my husband's health problems. Perhaps I can try again meeting this goal now that he's doing better. But habits are hard to break by definition. lol Be well, my dear.


Fake Fire Help

 Just saw that a couple from Oregon were arrested inside the California fire zone.  In a fire truck and fire fighting gear. However, he'...