Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Cats and Drama

 I determined to get a Waterloo colony fixed fast, for the people involved--two ladies.  

Yesterday, I trapped six there, beneath the drop trap, quickly.  They were so hungry.  At the same time, a Portland rescue agreed to take Buggyboo.  He will leave Friday.   I'm so happy for him.







He went back to the vet on Monday, got antibiotics, fluids and a fecal sent off, that turned out to be negative for all parasites.  He's doing better.    

I dropped the six cats off in Corvallis to be fixed this morning, then returned to Waterloo to trap the remaining 8. There are 9 left unfixed, but the folks feeding them had grabbed one by hand and had it in their place, so I just picked him up later.

This colony will be fixed completely by tomorrow night.

But....I also had to trap the two dumped kittens at Waterloo park.  It took only two minutes to catch them  because they came running out of the brush to my car and I set one trap by my car tire and caught both in like 30 seconds.

The two park dumped kittens, very small with URI

The feeder lady had said she'd take them and had a room set up for them in her house.  So I left them there after catching them.

I checked my messages after I trapped the kittens and was sitting there parked still.  Uh oh.  A series of messages from two or three different Waterloo folks.  Some lady was making claims like I stole her cat.  Um no.  I don't steal people's cats.   I have plenty. 

She claimed the cat had kittens and needed to come home now, was angry, accusatory.   Turns out one of the six was not hers, but her moms.  Her mom was actually helping the lady with the strays until her husband had a bad health issue and was in the hospital so she's been gone a week, the other colony caretaker says.  In the meantime a daughter was to care for the cat.    I guess the cat got out though and she said had been missing several days.   The woman who contacted me was a different daughter. Well, I said, she's only been with me one day, if its her.

Later she texted back to apologize for being so mean and said thank you and gave an address many blocks from where she was trapped. I knew the address.  I'd gotten cats fixed from there before.  I guess she had just moved in there.  I didn't know yet when she was first making such accusations that her sister and mom live behind the colony. Her accusations, most online in public of course, hurt, in part because I'm really really tired.  Anyhow, all worked out and I returned the cat to her because she had the cats kittens there, she said.   I don't know what happened in the first place, if the cat was there at the place I returned her to, so many blocks from where she was caught, so very hungry, in the first place, then got outside and booked it back home, to behind the colony, or what, but its all good in the end.

After I trapped the park kittens, I then went and trapped 8 more at the colony.  They had one kitten hand caught in the house by then, so I picked that one up later.  All will be done by tomorrow evening.


  1. Typical of people going off without any thought. I suppose at least she did apologise, but really!

    1. Yeah, no clue but Waterloo is known for drama.

  2. A full colony caught and fixed? Wow. That's amazing.

    1. Feels nice, to get them all, plus four kittens, although not all from there.

  3. VERY well done. And I am glad that the drama was resolved and tha the woman apologised..

    1. It was really about something bad that was happening in their family, a tragic health issue.

  4. It must be so difficult to work so hard for the benefit of the cats (and people) to have someone say bad things about you. I'm glad it worked out in the end.

    1. Often it doesn't bother me. It does when I'm really really tired.

  5. Those are two smart kittens. :D I'm sorry you got sh*t on yet again. ~hugs~ Thank you for keeping on and I hope you soon receive some relaxing, restful days.

    1. Those kittens knew where to get some help that's for sure. As I was leaving a guy came over from the campground and said he was so relieved for that pair, that he'd given them food. He'd been camping and didn't know how to help them.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....