Monday, September 30, 2024

Favorite Things

 I saw on the Portland news this morning a short segment on the little things people enjoy doing most.

I can't remember exactly what all of them were.  

One of them was that first cup of coffee in the morning.

Another was to get together with old friends.   The smell of coffee brewing was another thing people enjoy along with waking up after a good nights sleep.  Yet another simple thing people enjoy is watching their favorite TV show.

I would add a few of my favorite things:  

 Reading in bed at night, with a view of the stars out the window and my cats purring around me.

Watching a high wind and rain storm, maybe at the coast, although I haven't gone to the coast to storm watch for awhile.

Watching funny videos on instagram and Tiktok is yet another thing I could do for hours.

Getting a phone call from a good friend or from someone I love is a big thing I enjoy.

What are the simple things you like?

Also, its that time of year, to fill out your fat bear contest brackets.   Katmai National Park in Alaska does this every year.   

Fat Bear Week page.


  1. I few things I enjoy: seeing a hummingbird, a walk in the woods, a mint Klondike bar, reading a good book, a purring cat on my lap, and time with family.

    1. Do you feed hummingbirds? Oh I love mint Klondikes!

  2. Like you I love reading in bed. Preferably to purr music. I love watching the dawn. Coffee? I can't drink it now but still love the smell.

    1. I like sunsets and sunrises too!

  3. I like a good cup of coffee (particularly pour overs from fresh-ground beans), listening to outside sounds as I go to sleep, and uninterrupted blocks of time to catch up on blog reading

    1. I do pour over coffee too, ever since someone gave me like five huge bags of beans. I've had a grinder a long time, but last few years have just used it to grind catnip once its hung to dry. Now I'm back to use for its intended purpose.

  4. Oh right, fat bear. I haven't been in a special ed classroom, so I was out of the loop. (The fat bear thing is part of their news stuff. Or, at least it has been the past few years.)

    1. Yeah, I have a favorite fat bear, and hope she wins.

  5. Wave watching at a rocky beach, or even not so rocky beach.

  6. Playing with kitties and cooking/baking are my current favorites. My husband adores the former antics and praises me for the latter filling his belly. :D I still want to revisit the North Carolina coast; with Bidenomics ongoing, I don't know when that will happen. ~sigh~ Be well, my dear.

    1. Was that area hurricane or flood affected? I've always wanted to see the outer banks of the Carolinas. Been watching the videos online of the terrible damages in western N. Carolina from the floods. I wonder how many of those areas can ever recover. Seems impossible.

  7. Opening all the windows when the first cool front of the year comes around.


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