Monday, September 30, 2024

Favorite Things

 I saw on the Portland news this morning a short segment on the little things people enjoy doing most.

I can't remember exactly what all of them were.  

One of them was that first cup of coffee in the morning.

Another was to get together with old friends.   The smell of coffee brewing was another thing people enjoy along with waking up after a good nights sleep.  Yet another simple thing people enjoy is watching their favorite TV show.

I would add a few of my favorite things:  

 Reading in bed at night, with a view of the stars out the window and my cats purring around me.

Watching a high wind and rain storm, maybe at the coast, although I haven't gone to the coast to storm watch for awhile.

Watching funny videos on instagram and Tiktok is yet another thing I could do for hours.

Getting a phone call from a good friend or from someone I love is a big thing I enjoy.

What are the simple things you like?

Also, its that time of year, to fill out your fat bear contest brackets.   Katmai National Park in Alaska does this every year.   

Fat Bear Week page.

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Favorite Things

 I saw on the Portland news this morning a short segment on the little things people enjoy doing most. I can't remember exactly what all...