Saturday, August 24, 2024

Cloudy and Cool

 I am not sure if any rain fell yesterday, as forecast.   

Today starts out cloudy and cool, but I haven't been outside to see if there was rain in the night.

I got severely stressed trying to deal with a situation yesterday, by phone, not getting anything solved until afternoon, draining my phone battery in the process.

It was one of the Lebanon Gills cats, taken to FCCO to be fixed ten days back, by a Lebanon woman, now with an open round wound on his lower belly, guts could be seen inside the hole.

The problem being this is the colony that's supposed to vanish off the face of the earth, according to the city.   I told her he'd probably need euthanized as HCC could not afford a vet visit for him if she couldn't.  We don't do that sort of thing.   How was this my problem to solve?   Yes I felt for the cat but I have to resist spending HCC (nonprofit) money, which is scarce these days, on every cat in need of care.   We spend it on spay/neuter.

Last Monday alone, with 8 cats fixed, at two clinics, HCC paid bills of about $800.   

Anyhow, the woman who had trapped him wanted to save him but had  no money either.  Eventually he was taken to a clinic where a friend of hers had once worked and she got a discount but HCC still paid the bill.   To top it off, they then wanted me to hold him here for two weeks, when he'd get a recheck.  WTF, pay the bill and hold him too?   I went a little nuts, because it always seems to land on me.

But fortunately another Lebanon woman said she'd hold him in a cage at her place two weeks.  I'm happy he didn't have to be euthanized but it doesn't solve the problem of where he'll eventually go to live, since the city doesn't want the cats there.

Red, with his injury
Afternoon, the power went out again here.  It happens quite often, do not know why.   I would have thought its just another randem power outage going on, until I got this text from local police:

But maybe an hour or two later, the power came back on.

Anyhow, I just don't even want to talk to people right now at all.   I'm hoping to get away next week for a night maybe somewhere.

Growler with Thorn before I trapped them.  I hope Growler is doing ok and her feeder is feeding her.

I need to shave two cats today.  I think I have my clippers working again.  It's not easy as neither are tame.   I shaved mats off one of them just a few months ago.  I didn't think she'd regrow her hair to mat again so soon.  Both cats are elderly and they don't groom well when old and mat faster.  The bane of caring for long haired elderly ferals.  Ha!  I shouldn't complain, they're sweeties in their own ways.

How about two black cats, one older, one young..Jenny, in the first photo and Machi, of the 7-11 colony, in the 2nd.


  1. Power outages seem to be getting more and more common.

    1. Sure are common here, have been for all the years I've been here.

  2. You can't be responsible for all the issues. If the city wants those cats gone, perhaps they should outlay some money to people who can take care of the issue (like your non profit). They won't, but you could go to a city council meeting and point out what they're saying is ridiculous. (But that's emotional labor that you shouldn't have to be responsible for..)

    1. It's a dangerous dance, as agencies, or cities will sometimes retaliate by just killing the cats or banning those who help them. Always best to first help the cats then outline the grievances.

  3. I am so sorry that you are the 'fix it' woman for everything cat related. Love those black cats.

    1. It can be stressful. I'm not the only one, at least. Well maybe for many issues I seem to be, but I'm happy to have found the off button on my phone some time ago and I had to use it Friday evening.

  4. I'm sorry for your frustrating travails. ~hugs~ Thanks for doing your best. And best wishes to all these precious kitties.

    1. I ruined my chance an enjoyable summer by not sticking to my guns and staying closed. First it was the nightmare 7-11 colony and now this one I should never have agreed to help with. I don't relocate cats. I hate it. This week is my last chance to get away even a night, if I could find a campsite with Labor Day coming up next weekend and the darn reservation system now at campgrounds where they are reserved months if not a year in advance. But now I'm afraid I"ll end up holding these barn cat cats and that might break my spirit. If they can't take them right away, they will be released.

    2. Oh whine whine whine, what a bore I"ve become. I'm taking off tomorrow briefly for somewhere and the next too, I swear.

  5. The eyes of black cats really stand out.

    1. They do, and the black itself, so sleek and beautiful and panther like, no distraction from those penetrating expressive eyes.


Back up Quartzville

 The slide that has kept Quartzville road closed since mid December has been cleared now, as of last week.  The slide closed the road at mil...