Thursday, July 11, 2024

90 Seems Like Nothing Now

 You read that right!  90 degrees today and it felt like nothing, like 80 used to feel.  Guess I'm acclimating.  Nothing like awhile in the 100's to make 90's feel awesome.

Oh well, what can I say.

So I went to the lake and had a blast.  It was very windy, water white capping, but I don't care.  I swam a long time.  But...the lake is too warm.  Bathtub like warm.    So I know the water quality will take an early dive.

I had great fun!  Then, before leaving Sweet Home, I picked up the traps at the apartment complex behind 7-11.  The tenant hasn't had further luck trapping kittens, outside of catchiing the little black manx girl whom my friends just adore and a black and white girl, that she is keeping.  But.....she claims now there are like 8 more kittens!  Yikes.  WTF are the actual words that crossed my brain.

Anyhow, the tenant doesn't have the time or energy to do more.  So I got the traps back.  She'd left them with her neighbor there, the former 7-11 manager, so I got them at her place.  K looked bad, worn out, or something, so I asked her what was wrong.  She said she, her husband and daughter have been terribly ill for ten days.   I left quickly, not wanting to tire her out more.  She said she's over it but still just worn out, no energy.  Nonetheless, when I got in my car I washed my face and hands with hand sanitizer.  I don't want to be sick in the summer.  A lot of people have been.  I've been directly close contact exposed twice already to Covid.  Thankfully I didn't get it either time.

I felt for her.   She is such a beautiful kind soul.  I said I'll take care of catching the rest, however many there are.  And I will.  I now have permission to go there early in the morning to try.   Can't hurt to try.  If there are that many more kittens, and they're all as old as Black Betty, the manx with my friends (7 weeks), the two moms, one a newcomer to the colony, will be pregnant again soon and then there will be more.  I'm not willing to let that happen there.

Here's my day at the lake video.

Last night the neighbor texted me, said "let's go to La Roca".   "OK!", I texted back.   Off we went.  Margarita time.   We each had one.  I have them regular on the rocks.  She gets a blended flavored one.  We also had food.   Gosh, I love that place. I'd go there every night if I was rich.   Once a month though, and I have something to look forward to.

Haley and Rogue are the only two left here from their colony.  Over the years, the other seven of their colony mates have died of various maladies.  They're both quite elderly and they just adore each other.

I spent a LOT of time with all my cats during the 100 plus heat wave days.   I really enjoyed it.  So did they.  And I read four books too.   It wasn't so bad really.


  1. I'm glad it cooled off a bit. Our highest was 99.

    1. Yes, especially when it cools fast in the evening. No longer is it 85 or higher at 10:00 p.m.

  2. You are quite the reader! Do you recommend anything you read?

    1. Well, I liked two of the ones I borrowed from the neighbor. The Secrets We Keep and The Woman in the Window. The latter was made into a movie that I saw years ago. But the book is better. I just finished This is How I Lied, which is quite a mystery, twists and turns. by Heather Gudenkauf. It was a 1 1/2 day book.I got it off thriftbooks awhile back and just found where I'd put it.

  3. Looks wonderful to be kayaking the lake, and I enjoyed the video. Sorry to hear that the water is so warm!

    1. Yes, the algae bloom has begun. Let's just hope no toxic algae. It's never happened this early before, the water so warm and so much weed. It may have to do with thousands upon thousands of fish dying in the lake last fall with that forced drawdown of the reservoir above Foster. Probably a hundred thousand dead fish or more ended up in Foster. That's a lot of organic matter.

  4. Yes, with heat like that, you need to find indoors things to do and reading is a good one that takes such little energy.

    1. Reading is an excellent way to pass through 100 plus degree days.

  5. 100+ days will do that, make 90 degrees seem cool. I hope it cools down for you even more. What happened to make the 7-11 in bounds again? I guess they realized the feral colony could be a problem?

    1. I am trying to get the rest fixed from another property located a few hundred feet behind the 7-11. Nothing has changed with them, I'm still banned.



 We have had soo much rain the last few days. Came down in buckets.    I spent the weekend sleeping off last week.   Strange dreams too. In ...