Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Latest Cats and a Whole Lot of Rain

 It's been raining here since Sunday.  An atmospheric river type event.

Today its supposed to taper off and stop.  By tomorrow we should be back to 70, then hotter the days after.  Low 80's maybe, I'm not sure, haven't kept up like I should.

Last week, I think it was Thursday, how do I keep track anymore, or why would I, Sunshine and MeMew were fixed at Alpine in Corvallis.   

Sunshine is probably the last 7-11 cat I'll help for awhile.  Caught in the apartment complex nearby.  I'd seen her multiple times.   She's a bit of a loner.  And quite young.  And she was pregnant.

I thought she had pyometra as I thought I saw pus dripping out her vagina, but turned out she was pregnant, not very pregnant.  She tested negative thank goodness for all diseases, was fixed and vaccinated and she's still in the garage but will be leaving in a couple days, thanks to Silverton Cat Rescue, who found a place for her.  She's teensy and young, teen pregnancy thing, and she's wild.


And finally the Lebanon folks caught their little stray girl, also tiny, all black, and she too was fixed last Thursday at the private vet clinic.   

It's so easy to take them there, I wish I was rich, they'd all just be done there.


Saturday was gray and icky then Sunday began the downpour.  Yesterday, same thing and today is going to be gray and icky too but by tomorrow things should get better I'm hoping weatherwise.

Sunday I went through the downpour and high winds to Lebanon and picked up Amber, just down from where MeMew lives by half block at a complex where myself and a few tenants have worked quite hard to keep all the strays fixed.  Another had been abandoned when her owner moved out.  The tenants wanted her to be fixed at least.  They really want her to have a new better home.

And delightful she is, a cuddle bug, so happy to be inside in my bathroom, to await spay yesterday that it killed my soul to think of taking her back after surgery to be a stray even though fed.   Killed me.  I was so depressed over it yesterday while she was at the clinic I could barely function.

I appealed to my friends in rescue and they are trying very hard to find somewhere for her.

So instead of going back today, she'll remain in my bathroom to see if placement can be found.   My cats are really mad, to have 2 extras here, even if for a very short time.  It's because of the rain too.  They get angry over the rain, reducing their fun in the cat yard.

They too are anxious for warmth and summer sun.

Here's Amber, a video from Sunday.  She's a sweetheart.  Amber too was pregnant and her kittens would have begun another feral colony, had the tenants not intervened and had OHSS clinic not quickly worked her in to be fixed yesterday.  It's how feral colonies start, when a sweet kitty like Amber is left behind by owners unfixed.

Here's to warmer sunnier days coming (I hope).


  1. Well done. As always. And thank you.
    I hope that you and the cats get your sun. And soon.

  2. I hope Amber does find a forever home. Why do people abandon their animals? I just don't get it.

  3. I hope you are reward soon for all of you good work with days of sunshine. :)

  4. She was having good look around, wondering if this was her new home.


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