Saturday, June 29, 2024

Back to 7-11 Colony

 My nemisis, that colony, but they're no longer fed there.

However, I was contacted by a woman, whose daughter lives nearby.   Her daughter had seen kittens.

I knew who the mom was instantly.  The black female I never caught but that the former 7-11 cat lover caught near her place, only to discover she was lactating.  So, not knowing where her kittens might be, she turned her loose.

Sure enough, mom is indeed that cat and there are three kittens.  Two black, one black and white.

I took her daughter kitten traps and came home, only to be called that they'd caught two.  But by the time I got back up to Sweet Home, they'd lost one when trying to transfer both to a carrier, outside.

So I picked up the one.  She is six weeks old, long hair black, smoke undercoat, cute as a button, and a rumpy manx.

Shoot.   Will she have manx syndrome, I wonder?    Manx syndrome is caused by the gene that causes a rumpy manx to have no tail.  Her dad, the only unfixed male still in the area, is a "Longy" manx, meaning he has a half length tail.  Sunshine, a young female they caught a month ago, who went to a barn home, was a Stubby, with a one inch tail.

Her mom has a normal length tail, however.

At least I think she does.  I've not had a close up look at her.

Anyhow, they caught no more yesterday and I can't sit up there checking the traps.  There's no reason anyhow, when they live right there.   

She's here with me and eating solid food. Scared of course but easy to handle.  Silverton Cat Rescue says they'll take the kittens.  That is, if the tenants up there catch the other two.  Then they'll need to catch mom and the unfixed boy.   Private vet time, to get them fixed.  There's no other real options anymore.

Manx syndrome can cause weakness in back legs, incontinence, constipation, spina bifida, all kinds of nasty things. Rumpy manx (no tail) are the most inclined to have manx syndrome.  Darn breeders anyhow, who breed for those traits--of no tail, or bob tails, so those traits get more common in the gene pool.  I can't stand breeders who breed for destructive traits.  Cats come with tails.   They need them.   

Isn't she cute?

Look ma, no tail!
She's currently my bathroom guest.  Such a tiny bathroom guest and all alone in there.  I can't risk her exposure to my a**hole crew.   I would let Rogue into the bathroom, if he wouldn't panic when I shut the door.  He adores kittens and really really wants in to meet her.

I'm such a liar.  She's not in the bathroom currently, she's on my lap and being carried around like a baby in my shirt.   What can I say.  What a sucker I am for a kitten.


  1. ooooooolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll kb09999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

    1. Is it code? I'm sure it is. I'll see if one of my cats can break it.

  2. Okay, I left the room and Dandelion walked over my keyboard. I figured I'd let her have her say. LOL

    On a serious note, I had no idea all the horrific health problems associated with not having a proper tail and am angry at the breeders, as well. Grrr... You know all too well that the world could do without animal breeders. ~hugs~

    I'm sorry that this will make you sick but I have to share my pain. :/ Well over a decade ago I saw an interview with a woman (and I use that term loosely) who specifically bred cats to get kittens with malformed (!!!) legs. She called it "cute" watching them crawl around. I wanted to break her legs so badly that my head almost exploded. Let's hope she's dead and rotting in hell, eh?

    1. Oh brother, that's awful and wouldn't it have been karma to break her legs. I'm sure she's rotting in hell somewhere. I met a farmers wife who took in rescue English Bulldogs and told me she wanted to shoot EB breeders. I wonder if she ever took that up. Persian cat breeders drive me insane. They too need stopped.

  3. She is gorgeous. But you know I have a weakness for a black puddy.

    1. I do too, but she went today to my friends. Good thing is I'll get to see and hear about her lots. And they have a couple kittens not too much older than she is, so she'll have playmates.

  4. I would be carrying around the kitten, too. :)

    1. I know you would be! And who could resist!

  5. That 7-11 colony! So close... She's a cutie. I'm sure she'll find a loving home.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....