Sunday, April 14, 2024

The Wolverine Visits Linn County

 I don't know if its the same Oregon touring wandering wolverine that was seen yesterday outside Lebanon on Golden Valley road.  

The wandering wolverine was last seen in the south hills of Eugene.  To get to Lebanon, where he was seen if its the same wolverine, he would have had to cross the Willamette River and I5, then the Calapooia River and also the S. Santiam.  All these crossings, no big deal for a wolverine I suppose.  But how'd he get so smart as to dodge all the cars, trucks, big rigs and the shoot anything gun nuts from where he or she started, in the Cascades, then along the Columbia River Gorge to the coast,  to now?  

I'm not buying its the same wolverine, but in true Wandering Wolverine state touring fashion, the Lebanon sighted wolverine was seen and photographed in broad daylight near a house.   So is it or isn't it the one and only WW?

I mean why wouldn't a wolverine visit our county?   Lots of chickens and ducks everywhere and roadkill, which is the preferred diet of wolverines--already dead things.

Here's the link but I think it will only work if you have a facebook account.

Ok, here's the video off Crystal Perry's post above, for those without facebook.


  1. No FB so I couldn't track the link. I am hoping that any wolverine (whether it is one or more) finds its way to safety.

    1. I took a video of the video for people without facebook.

  2. As I recall, wolverines are not good company for people and pets. But I've been known to be wrong.

    1. They are not good company for either. Weasels of all sizes are ferocious and the wolverine is one big weasel. They've been known to go after grizzley's, if a griz wants a wolverine's meal. They're persistent and relentless like their weasel relatives. I don't want to live amongst the wolverines. Also, they have that strong weasel musty smell I bet.

  3. The link worked for me, but then I do have FB. It's loping gait should correctly identify it. Perhaps they are more common than is thought.

    1. I'd say you are right on them probably being far more common than we thought. The ODFW is trying to get hair samples of the wolverine at sighting locations, to determine if its the same one, I guess through DNA. Apparently they don't have much to do either.

  4. Sounds like the wandering wolverine(s) is giving the locals something to talk about. Better than most everything else that's in the news.

    1. Yeah we grasp at anything to talk about around these parts. Nothing really major seems to go on in Oregon, no big disasters or anything, but wandering wolverine---we can map where he's seen, make fake wolverine videos to claim we've seen him or even helped him in some way, maybe like offering him directions or advice....yeah its a big deal here.

  5. I'm both fascinated and frightened for all residents. Thanks for sharing the video. I haven't been on Facebook for so long I'm not sure I remember how to log in. lol Best wishes and hugs, my dear.

    1. I will be off facebook the minute after I close my nonprofit. But til then......

  6. It's more fun to think it's just one wolverine, although I'm with you on there being more than one wandering the area.

    1. It is WAY more fun to think its just one, out touring the state, while looking for love and a better place to raise his or her family.



 Finally, my mysterious massive black tux yard stray, Pietro, is fixed and back with his people. He's come through the yard for maybe a ...