Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Ten Extras

 I have ten extra cats in my garage.

Nine are in traps, just brought over from the Scravel colony.   

They are almost all orange tabbies, with bits of white here and there.  These are going to the FCCO to be fixed Thursday along with anymore he can catch.  I already took 14 of the cats from the colony to be fixed in Salem.   

They have 15 at least spots for Thursday.  I hope they can get any left.

In addition, I haven't returned Tumilo yet to Sweet Home.  It's a long drive over and back and I just didn't have it in me today.  So he's been in a cage recuperating.  I mean, its really comfortable, litter box, bed, lounging shelf, all the wet food he can eat.  So I'm not worried about when to get him back.   He has a broken canine and I tried to find somewhere he could have that pulled that isn't two months out on appoinments and where it wouldn't cost a small fortune (almost everywhere).  But the coast clinic hasn't responded and they're about the only ones who might work him in fast and not cost a fortune.

Anyhow, he'll have to go back without the tooth pulled most likely.

I imagine it will fall out soon enough anyway.

When the guy arrived late with the nine, all the while we unloaded them, the neighbors dogs barked only a few feet away, from behind my fence, their yard.  Those dogs are so darned annoying with the barking whenever they're out in the yard.  the neighbors don't even try to train them or stop them when they bark their heads off like that.  They drown out my TV and I become the curmudgeon, yelling from inside "shut up".    That can drive a person nuts though--constant barking.

I'm going to order a hanging anti bark thing.  I'm not sure they work, but will try.

Am really fed up.


  1. Thanks for stopping by my Lily Pad...

    1. I can see a miniaturized you floating atop that lily pad with your camera.

  2. You are achieving great things, as usual.
    Barking dogs are a pain and they must make the arriving cats very uncomfortable, never mind annoying your good self.

    1. Yeah, those poor cats last night. I got upset at the dogs with those cats right there, a few feet from that. Yes it really scared the poor cats.

  3. How does and antil bark thing work? I've never heard of that. My neighbor's dogs bark everytime we're in the backyard.

    1. They auto detect barking that goes on for a certain time, somehow, then emit frequencies above our range but in the dogs range. What a dog hears or that bothers the dog can be a wide range, depending on breed, age, etc, so I hope the one I ordered works, it has three settings for three different frequency ranges to try.

    2. Its terribly annoying not to be able to use your own back yard in peace. I'll let you know if it works, supposed to arrive today. I ordered a cheap one, but it had good reviews, which probably means nothing. I had a dog whistle, but wouldn't ya know, can't find it now. it worked after a couple of blows. I could pull it out or in, to change frequency as some work on some dogs and others on other dogs.

    3. If the owners are out with the dogs, they don't make a sound. The barking can be annoying, but one of the fun thing about living next door to them, is that they foster puppies. So we can get a puppy fix without all of hassles of owning one.

  4. Awesome job helping more precious animals. :D And I sure hope your anti bark device works. There are many days I'm thankful we don't have to deal with that nonsense. Many times I've been outside and hear lots of barking almost a block away; I feel for those neighbors.

    1. It's kind of a difficult thing. On the one hand, I love those dogs. On the other, wth, with the neighbors just letting that go on. At first they claimed they didn't know I could hear it, which is such baloney. then they claimed they'd train them or get citronella or something dog collars, but they did neither and never will train them. Its like L and L, its when they're not out in the yard with them, but the people are rarely out in their yard, so its a huge issue. And literally a few feet from me barking through the fence.

  5. The anti-barking thing kinda works. It depends on the dog, really. My roommate's dog barks through it, although it does curb her barking after a while. My roommate's daughter used something for her dogs, and it freaked them out so bad she had to stop using it. I hope your neighbor's dogs react more like that.

    1. I guess we shall see. It came today, but I have to charge it first. Seems really cheaply made though, so not holding out much hope.

  6. Excellent work as usual. I really, really hope the dog thing works. For you and for the cats.

    1. Wouldn't that be just too nice, if I could have some peace while in my own yard?

  7. Sorry to hear about the constant barking. That really will drive you nuts, especially if it's at night and disturbing your sleep.

    1. Fortunately my bedroom is other side of house, so I don't hear it when sleeping. My main problem is when I'm in my yard, if they're out, they bark with any movement of me in my own yard. Then in the evening, when I'm watching TV. The bigger dog doesn't engage much in barking, mostly its just the little one. The woman roommate says the man, who owns the little dog, sometimes sleeps in his big rig cab out on the street so he can actually sleep, without being bothered by his own dog barking up a storm.


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