Friday, March 15, 2024

Bob in a Trap

 I caught Bob this afternoon.  

He got attracted back to my place by the smells of the nine cats I overnighted before and after surgery.  He was yowling pathetically for the girls.  So I set the trap I had in the wooden box. 

I got the cages out of my car, after returning the cats, got the old papers cleaned out of them, and the laundry started but then just fizzled and went to bed.  I didn't wake up til the Lebanon lady called me about 4:30 or 5:00 that they were outside, here to pick up the traps.  Thank goodness.

I got out of my bed and stumbled outside, just as they were loading them, and the guy says, "You got a big orange one in that trap."  My heart jumped.  Bob!!!   He finally went into a trap.

He's in the garage now, sleeping, still in the trap and his right ear looks bloody awful.  I'll post the least graphic photo.

I got some extra appointments Monday so he gets one of them.  He will finally get neutered too.  It's hard to tell if that bad ear is from fights or if he did it to himself scratching at earmites.

He'll be in my garage awhile as you might guess, til he heals up at the least.   


  1. To finally catch Bob must be such a relief. Food didn't work but another of life's needs did.

    1. Yup, and a very powerful other need it can be too, even to a badly injured boy kitty it was still all that was on his mind.

  2. Yay! Bob has been trapped. This is the beginning of a better life for him.

    1. I hope so L and L. But am so relieved to catch him finally, especially after seeing his bloody face a few days back.

  3. Thanks for your tenacity.

    1. Poor Bob. But for happy he's caught now. I switched him to a cage today so he could be comfortable, as he'll have to recuperate longer than just overnight, after surgery, for his ear to heal.

  4. Yay, you got Bob. Dogged determination wins the day.

    1. And a couple in heat girl kitties.

  5. I'm so happy for Bob and for you. Hugs, my dear, and know that you are appreciated by many even if from far away.


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