Monday, December 25, 2023

Happy Christmas is History

 It was an alone one this year.  

Didn't hear from anyone today and my neighbors stood me up for Christmas dinner, which they invited me to attend at their place and then did not have a dinner.  But without telling me.  I had dinner rolls ready to take over and a couple other things. I feel like throwing the rolls on their front lawn.  Who can't send a simple text early in the day or last night even to say "its off" so a person can make other plans.

Think I'm done with them.  This has happened several times with them.

I would have made other plans had I known.   

I didn't mind sitting around here though, not really.   Pretty usual stuff for me.

Got a lot of projects done.  Tomorrow all is back to normal, except for my car.  But I'm going to try to find some mechanic with the time to finish my spark plug job.  At least I hope to.

What can I say.    

I spent a lot of time with my cats and they loved that.  At least I like to think they did.


  1. I am sorry to read this. Very sorry. I am sure that your cats did love having you home. And hope that you can find a mechanic tomorrow.

  2. I think I would be done with your neighbors, too. So sorry it didn't work out, but I know your cats appreciated getting more of your time.

    1. Yeah, time to move on if looking for social connection. We had a very quiet easy day, otherwise.

  3. If I'd gone to my brothers I"d be exhausted next few days from driving 7 hours, so I am thankful for a restful holiday.

  4. Sorry to hear about those inconsiderate neighbors, but it's good to hear the rest of the day went well.

  5. That's just plain rude; don't waste your rolls on them. If you have too many to eat before spoilage, freeze some. ~nods~ We had a quiet Christmas day here and don't miss travel across the state visiting family. I'm certain your kitties enjoy your presence even if they don't act like it. lol Best wishes, my dear.

    1. I didn't throw the rolls in their yard. I huff and puff and then deflate. Quiet home alone Christmas's are actually wonderful. I so much love my tree and the lights.

  6. That sucks. It's one thing if they didn't show up (which is bad enough), but to invite you over and then just not. Yikes. I'd be done with them, too. I also had an alone Christmas, but I was staying away due to a cold. I'm glad you had a peaceful day.

    1. No clue on the whys to their behavior. Lot of people have various respiratory illnesses going on around here too. Neighbors are not sick though, I know. But other than that, I remain clueless.


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